We know our ministry seen. 28 year what God call us too do, but everybody in our country in quebec,Canada and all churches rejected us for these reasons God give too my husband a revelation off people hearth for healing for delivrance for their good because we pratic the will off God but alone we can t do nothing we need and answers we need to mouve
leaders rejected us becaus em y husband is a prophet from the Lord for this generationa reel one but we know and realize alone we can t do nothing please do something for us wr tired too work alone
i have hope in God but alone we know we can t do nothing
in 28 years know no body everybody rejected us pray for us amen but we also need a reel help do you know a reel prophet too revele the will off God to another prophet thank you for your support the sik are heal, the revelation off people hearts ans miracle are with the reel servant off our God lily ans jessy quebec canada
leaders rejected us becaus em y husband is a prophet from the Lord for this generationa reel one but we know and realize alone we can t do nothing please do something for us wr tired too work alone
i have hope in God but alone we know we can t do nothing
in 28 years know no body everybody rejected us pray for us amen but we also need a reel help do you know a reel prophet too revele the will off God to another prophet thank you for your support the sik are heal, the revelation off people hearts ans miracle are with the reel servant off our God lily ans jessy quebec canada