Hello, just happened to notice this forum and have decided to ask a question that has bothered me for almost half a century. As a boy I lived on the flight pathe by Lakenheath USAF base in West Suffolk, England, every now and then a fighter plane would end up in the sorrounding 80 square miles of Thetford forest. The local fire brigade would try to put out the resulting blaze but never quite managed it untill it reached one of the many man made fire breaks. I called in at the local fire station on my way home from school as a twelve year old lad with a bright idea, the result was that they all had a good laugh at my expence.
What was the question I hear you ask, well all these years later I will now give you the chance to laugh at it again.
The question, is it possible to mix pit sand at a fifty fifty ratio with the water and pump it out instead of just water?
Is it possible that it would travel a much longer way even into a hot head wind?
Would it give an engine twice as much water by volume to fight with if the sand was being towed behind in a special container?
Would the mud be slower to dry out and be harder to burn? Would it stick to every surface even as the fire arrives?
Why do we keep buckets of sand near inflamable materials?
Why do we keep buckets of water near inflamable materials?
Thank you for listening to me bleat on, if you wish you can also have a good laugh, I needed to ask this question again just in case it may work out!
Kind regards to you all anyway,
What was the question I hear you ask, well all these years later I will now give you the chance to laugh at it again.
The question, is it possible to mix pit sand at a fifty fifty ratio with the water and pump it out instead of just water?
Is it possible that it would travel a much longer way even into a hot head wind?
Would it give an engine twice as much water by volume to fight with if the sand was being towed behind in a special container?
Would the mud be slower to dry out and be harder to burn? Would it stick to every surface even as the fire arrives?
Why do we keep buckets of sand near inflamable materials?
Why do we keep buckets of water near inflamable materials?
Thank you for listening to me bleat on, if you wish you can also have a good laugh, I needed to ask this question again just in case it may work out!
Kind regards to you all anyway,