How is antifeminism tied to the Christian Right?
replied to: wellis
Replied to: How is antifeminism tied to the Christian Right?
Antifeminists and right-wing Christians share the same beliefs, that a woman's place is in the home, caring for children and looking after her husband.
replied to: Romaster
Replied to: Antifeminists and right-wing Christians share the same beliefs, that a woman's...
Both groups believe that women are incapable of competing in a male-dominated workplace and that they are suited instead to a submissive and traditional role.
replied to: wellis
Replied to: How is antifeminism tied to the Christian Right?
The Christian Right, in a political sense, includes individuals with various conservative theological beliefs. Many such beliefs are built upon patriarchal structures and generally hold the belief that a focus on traditional values, or the values of previous generations, is the best way to shape our countries politics. Therefore, these beliefs naturally oppose an integration of women in to social and political roles, as well as sexual freedom for women, etc.