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How electricity is produce from fron cowdung? what is the mechanism?
replied to: 1234567
Replied to: How electricity is produce from fron cowdung? what is the mechanism?...
Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on this topic. The mechanism is very simple. The ingridients that you need is: An old battery, Some cow dung, tamarind, little water and some salt.
Go to this link
for entire details
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hai Arkajit Mandral,my name is jojin.I would like to know more about it.Please send me more in what all fields we can apply it and what improvements can be made on the project.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hi arkajit, may i know from where u got this idea. i mean from where didi u get this idea?
and can u please give me some more details about it?
like which is anode n cathode n wat r their spr values n cell reaction.....
thank you.....
replied to: jojin
Replied to: Hai Arkajit Mandral,my name is jojin.I would like to know more...
HI, this is Arkajit Mandal Again. Thanks for being interested into, because I hardly found people who was not bored. Any way, the project that I did was only for poor people. Because they don't run AC all day. This is a process for them, precisely an alternative way of having a light in the night. I have been working on this since last 2 years. I made some improvements. We had put uria in the mixture which makes the battery better in terms of current. We(resently I am working with some my friends, Babu Kora, Dibyajyoti Panja, Gourab Chowdhury) are in search of a salt, which will reduce the internal resistance, and if somehow we find it, believe me that would be a big hit. You may send me email at . If any thing new you find out PLEASE DO INFORM ME.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: HI, this is Arkajit Mandal Again. Thanks for being interested into,...
Hello arkajit mandal sorry to disturb, i m a student, i m making a model of village which is powered by using cow dung and salt. i have used a zinc plate a copper plate awire and led ,cow dung and salt solution. but till now it is not working please give me some suggesation on this.if u want to suggest something u can email me at thanks
replied to: ankur12
Replied to: Hello arkajit mandal sorry to disturb, i m a student, i...
No no dont ever say that am disturbed.the first mistake that you made is by using copper or led. please do add little tamarind in it too, to produce more power (it will be long lasting).USE CARBON ROD AS THE POSITIVE POLE, AND ZINC AS NEGETIVE. make two cells to light a led light, four would make it glow better, it is also possible to run a radio with two, but that depends on the acidity of the dung .if you need more informations i will sent you. just mail me at And hei you could also become orkut friends, ain't that so coooooooooool......
Please go to this link for more details
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: No no dont ever say that am disturbed.the first mistake that...
Hello arkajit, i tried making the way u told, it did work but it doesnot last for long time. i mean it lasts only 20 minutes, why is that happening? should i put something else to increase the life? plz reply
replied to: sudhanshudixit
Replied to: Hello arkajit, i tried making the way u told, it did...
Thats odd, lets try this from the beginning.....
1)take some old plastic can
2) of course do not forget the dung,.....add salt 1/5th of the cowdung. now add tamarind(very essential) about 1/4th.
now mix some water.....and put this mixture into the cans(plastic)
3)now take out the carbon rod from a old pencil battery and plug it in the mixture. and then put zinc or aluminium plate into the mixture.
sudhansudada the power of the battery will increase if the pH of the mixture is low, it is the fancy way of saying that the mixture will produce more electricity if the mixture is more acidic. the possible reason for your problem is that the cow of whom you collected the dung is having drugs given by the owner to produce more milk.this actually reduces the percentage of uric acid and the amines present in the cowdung. (the amines gives out H+ which actually takes electrons out of the carbon rod).
The entire project is written inthis link
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Thats odd, lets try this from the beginning.....
1)take some old...
Hei say me one thing do you mean that the batteries were discharged after lighting a led for 20 minutes or is it just went off just like that?
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Thats odd, lets try this from the beginning.....
1)take some old...
What is the phenomia behind this
i mean whats the reaction taking place in cow dung
plz reply
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Thats odd, lets try this from the beginning.....
1)take some old...
If we close the container then methane gas will not get out and i think methane gas can be used to increase the voltage
replied to: ankur12
Replied to: If we close the container then methane gas will not get...
Well thats a nice thought. But It is not the methane that produces the electricity.It is actually the uric acids and the amines which are responsible for the electric. And if methane is really responsible, then sunlight is essentially needed(CH4+CL2=CH3Cl+HCl in the presence of uv ray from the sunlight, this HCl later on breaks into H+ and cl- and then blah blah blah ....produces electricity).
I think youd better try and have the results. well any how the voltages cannot grow because it does not depends on the quantity of the reactants.If your experiment goes well then the longibility will grow.but for now lets have your results.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Well thats a nice thought. But It is not the methane...
replied to: ankur12
What thanks!! please give us the result
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: What thanks!! please give us the result
Thanks for ur help. and the results are not nagative but also not too positive, i will also start researching on the topic from now
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Well thats a nice thought. But It is not the methane...
I did as u told and the hanging clocked worked for 1 1/2 hour
replied to: ankur12
Replied to: I did as u told and the hanging clocked worked for...
Hei guys, Vinegar can be used in this bio battery(cow dung battery) instead of tamarind it works good.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hello i m sushil chaudhary .i want to produced electricity with the cow dung but i donot know in which quantity the things shouled be mixed.
replied to: sushil46
Replied to: Hello i m sushil chaudhary .i want to produced electricity with...
I have done many process to light bulb with cow dung but it is not working can u give some instruction.
replied to: sushil46
Replied to: I have done many process to light bulb with cow dung...
Have you read the instructions given above???
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Have you read the instructions given above???
Hei guys, it can be proved that as our battery's internal resistance is much more than the resistance or the wire, by connecting cow-dung batteries parallel makes it more efficient in terms of short-circuit current than the serial connection of the batteries.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hei guys, it can be proved that as our battery's internal...
I am working on producing cow dung batteries for a school project and have tried using 1,5v torch batteries in the mixture as well as cutting open the batteries. the cut open batteries I have taped together (rod and base). I am only getting a faint glow from the bulb. my mixture is fairly runny, is that ok? I added a lot of salt as well as some vinegar to the mixture. Can you offer any possible solutions?
replied to: Kimhodge
Replied to: I am working on producing cow dung batteries for a...
Well, tapping rod and base means you are creating a serial connection, which is not so good for our battery because it's internal resistance is higher than the resistance of the wires. Well do one thing, just connect all the positive points(in your words 'rod') of your batteries with a wire, and all the negative points (in your words 'Base') with another wire and then connect these two wires to your desired led.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Well, tapping rod and base means you are creating a serial...
Thank you for your swift reply and your advise. Please could you offer advise re consistency of the mixture and should the mechanism be totally immersed?
replied to: Kimhodge
Replied to: Thank you for your swift reply and your advise. Please...
Sorry for such a late reply. For now, I really do not know a way for re-consistency. Yes, the mixture should be a liquid one, because the ions and the electrons travels faster in a liquid. And their speed will be increased if the viscosity of the liquid is decreased.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hi, i am pallab sarmah, i want to present this battery in a science fair exhibition now i know how to make the battery but i don't know the chemical reaction and how the electricity is produced so can you please tell me because i have to explain it, plz rply.....
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hey Arkajit, i am saurabh.. I am actually not getting it. Can you please upload a picture of setup or you can mail me at i will be so thankful of you if you help me for this i actually want to improve my knowledge and some science skills.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: HI, this is Arkajit Mandal Again. Thanks for being interested into,...
Hey. I'm Piyush and I'm currently working on this model. I just want to know that is this necessary to make solution of rotten cow dung? As you were describing above, you mentioned that if Ph will decrease, it will be better for model to work.
So please reply regarding this. And yes, can i use acid and salt solution in another beaker instead of mixing it with cow dung?
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
We need the diagram for this project please atteched it soon..........
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Thats odd, lets try this from the beginning.....
1)take some old...
Can you plz help me my sister in 11th standard plz give me some working model details
replied to: Kimhodge
Replied to: I am working on producing cow dung batteries for a...
Hello my name is chirag I am working on cowdung generate eletricity so I want get help!!!!!! I get information about ?
its advantage and disadvantage and information if you give me site so I can work about this please help mee ok.. please give me today before night 10 o clock 24/8/2013 i am at india haa
please help me
replied to: minhajkhan134u
Replied to: We need the diagram for this project please atteched it soon.............
I also get diagram please give me also
replied to: chirag999
Replied to: I also get diagram please give me also
I to an doing a chemistry project and would like to know what voltage and current was produced by each cell?
What is typically the internal resistance of each cell.
When you say 1/4 tamerind do you mean volume or weight ?
Sorry too many questions
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
Hi Arkajit
I to an doing a chemistry project and would like to know what voltage and current was produced by each cell?
What is typically the internal resistance of each cell.
When you say 1/4 tamerind do you mean volume or weight ?
Sorry too many questions
replied to: PaulR
Replied to: Hi Arkajit
I to an doing a chemistry project and...
Go to the links for entire detail.
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Go to the links for entire detail.
Thank you very much for your rapid response !
This information will really help me, just one comment, you mention in your article 4 spoons of salt, teaspoons or tablespoons?
Can you remember what the internal resistance of your cells were?
Thank you once more
and good luck in for the future.
replied to: PaulR
Replied to: Thank you very much for your rapid response !
Do ask all the questions in this link I will reply everything there!!! :D
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Do ask all the questions in this link I will reply...
Can i make cow dung battery without using tamarind ?
with help of any other acidic soultion which is easily available.
replied to: kkshitizpatel
Replied to: Can i make cow dung battery without using tamarind ?
Please visit and ask me questions there... thank you!!
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: No no dont ever say that am disturbed.the first mistake that...
Hi i making this project of making battery from cow dung ..i have collected all the items but ..what can i use instead of tamarind..pls rely soon
replied to: kybikash
Replied to: Hi i making this project of making battery from cow dung...
Ask questions in this page!!!
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Ask questions in this page!!!
Tamarind shoud be liquid form
replied to: arkajit
Replied to: Hello, I am Arkajit Mandal. Recently I have worked on...
replied to: sudhanshudixit
Replied to: Hello arkajit, i tried making the way u told, it did...
Will u plz tell me from where i get Tamarind?