How did the short story as a literary form grow out of the oral storytelling tradition?
replied to: jondabomb
Replied to: How did the short story as a literary form grow out...
Some of the predecessors of the short story include the fable, the fairy tale, and the anecdote or parable. In the 14th century we begin to see the first incidences of oral narratives being written down. We see European short stories begin to appear in the 18th century, in the works of such authors as Voltaire. By the 19th century, the short story had become a distinct genre.
replied to: trmichaels
Replied to: Some of the predecessors of the short story include the fable,...
The original short stories of today carry many of the same themes as the fables and anecdotes of the past. Additionally, they serve the same purposes--to entertain, enlighten, and teach important moral and life lessons.