How did Cotton Gin Change The U.S.?
replied to: locoweird
Replied to: How did Cotton Gin Change The U.S.?
The cotton Gin changed this U.S. in several ways.The speed at wich the cotton was Gined in the old days it was a long and hard labor hand's on work.It increased the amount of cotton a single farmer could do in one season.The farmers could increase the size of ther farms and cut back on overhead and make alot more money.The speed also helped save alot of cotton from mold and weathering.The profits increased over night not just for the cotton itself but the seed developed its own mrket for oil and feed.Making cotton the number one cash crop by far.Farmers that farmed corn for generations changed to cotton,making mid level farm to large scale cotton producers and made millions almost overnight.The new wealth of cotton company helped to stimulate the economy and helped start the industrial revolution.I could go on but i think the U.S. would not have made the leap as the number one cotton producer in the world at that time.