Hourglass or Banana? – A Woman’s Figure and the Satisfaction with your Body
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A late 20th century study revealed that women of all ages feel dissatisfied with their current body shape. In general, women feel more pressure to show a thin figure than men. And the pressure comes from everywhere: magazines, peers, TV, sexual partners, street advertising. No wonder, then, the surge in body-shaping surgery.

During the comparative study, Australian women between 19 and 60 years of age were shown silhouettes of women. The images showed a wide range of contours: thin figures, normal silhouettes and heavily overweight people. Participants were asked to choose the silhouette that best represented them and to compare it with the ones they considered as most attractive to the opposite sex.

Curiously, most of them reported they believed their figures were larger than ideal.

In a similar study, in Africa, both men and women were asked to choose the silhouette drawing they considered the ideal shape of the perfect woman. Men and women agreed on a particular body shape, but most women felt their figures were considerably larger than the chosen silhouette.

Traditionally, female body figures have been categorized into four shapes. In increasing order of frequency, these are: hourglass, apple, pear and banana.

Hourglass – About 8 out of 100 women have a figure whose hips and breasts have approximately the same size. Their waistlines are comparatively narrow. In general, their bodies look like two attached cones or like a sandglass.

Apple – Fourteen out of 100 women have narrow hips and carry all of their excess weight around their middles, resembling, thus, the Red Delicious apple variety.

Pear – One out of five women (or 20 out of 100) have broader hips than breasts and shoulders. These women have a tendency to gain fat in the buttocks, thighs and hips.

Banana- Banana-shaped women have relatively similar shoulder, breast, waist and hip circumferences. Almost half the women worldwide have this body shape.

Shaping the Body
With age, the female body undergoes significant changes linked to the variations in estrogen levels. When estrogen decreases, the body begins storing fat as a precaution. Why? The female body can transform fat into a type of estrogen. Although not the same type as the hormone produced in the ovaries, it is a much needed estrogen still.

Fat can be stored only were fat cells are available; and these cells are already there when the baby is born.

Problem is… women have most of their fat cells in the hips-buttocks-thighs area (unlike men, who are born with more fat cells in the chest and waist areas). As a consequence, as women approach menopause, they gain weight to supplant the diminishing reserves of estrogen. And where does all that fat go? Right!

If you can’t stand seeing all that fat around your middle, buttocks, or thighs, then a Colorado liposuction may be the answer for you. When no amount of dieting and exercise seem to work, a Smart Lipo will help you finally achieve the shape you want to keep. For good!

Rachel Clarkson
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