I am currently involved in a high profile case (pro bono) where a homeless man had his dog confiscated by the Humane Society.
The dog was not mistreated in any way, yet this man's rights were violated simply because he is indigent.
I see this as a civil rights abuse and am willing to go to the high court if neccesary. (at my own expense)
I have been fielding alot of media interest over it, and thought it may be benficial to start a discussion with penn. state's lawyers of tomorrow
The dog was not mistreated in any way, yet this man's rights were violated simply because he is indigent.
I see this as a civil rights abuse and am willing to go to the high court if neccesary. (at my own expense)
I have been fielding alot of media interest over it, and thought it may be benficial to start a discussion with penn. state's lawyers of tomorrow