Is there a hiking trail to the top of Mont Babel on the island of Rene-Levasseur in the middle of Manicouagan Reservoir in Quebec Province? If so, where does the trailhead begin?
replied to: rgf8056
Replied to: Is there a hiking trail to the top of Mont Babel...
If you ever found out I would really like to know about it. I plan on kayaking around the island in 2 years, but i do not feel that my experience would be complete unless I climbed to the top of the island. I have a vague memory from previous research that it is dense and hard to climb, but this information very likely was subjective and inacurrate. Please get back to me if you ever you were there or had an experience on the reservoir.
replied to: rgf8056
Replied to: Is there a hiking trail to the top of Mont Babel...
I also understand that there are shelters there, possibly for hunters and so it is likely that there is a beaten path somewhere to traverse different parts of the island.