Highest per-capita communities of vegetarians in Calidfornia?
replied to: gregplant
Replied to: Highest per-capita communities of vegetarians in Calidfornia?
Do you mean Northern or Southern California? In Los Angeles, there is a group that is connected to the International Jewish Vegetarian and Ecological [Group]/"Society". (abbreviated locally as IJVEG)headquartered in London, England, also members of the International Vegan Union, IJVEG (the Los Angeles group) was so named because it sounds like Eat Your Veg (sounding out the letters of its acronym IJ-VEG!) started holding meetings in the early 1990's in Beverly Hills, and subsequently in the year 2000 have been officially meeting monthly at Valley Beth Shalom (House of Peace) Synagogue in Encoino, CA 15739 Ventura Blvd (corner of Densmore St.) 91342 call 1-818-788-6000 for directions and it's organizer Janine 1-310-358-9941 for topics and speakers, meetings held usually every first Sunday of the month and other events celebrating Jewish Holidays thank you very much for asking! By the way India and Israel have the largest number of vegetarians per capita in the world! The trend now here in Los Angeles is Kosher Vegan RawFood!!! http://www.rawfood.meetup.com/317