Hi! My name is Alexander Laguta from Ukraine. I’m married and my wife is 6 months pregnant. Pregnancy flows as heavy as lead, she’s constantly in hospitals. In connection with heavy position in Ukraine the wage is paid not constant and small. The incomes earned by me is not enough almost anything. The health of my unborn baby and my wife is dependent on expensive drugs. In this connection, I have to ask you for help. Help who what can. Even 1$ the sent by you will help to correct our position. Thank you for earlier, I and my wife for understanding, for your support and for your help!
My email: laguta1313@mail.ru. You can send money to the card.
Here is the card number: 5168 7572 8245 0511
My email: laguta1313@mail.ru. You can send money to the card.
Here is the card number: 5168 7572 8245 0511