What are potential job opportunities in this field?
what classes could be beneficial to take in high school or college?
what are the average salaries in this field?
what changes are on the horizon?
what parts of the country are theses the strongest?
to date is this type of green energy technology cost effective? if not why? and when do you see a change?
why do you feel that this a valuable resource?
is this supported by any type of government agency with funding? or are there private funds used?
what classes could be beneficial to take in high school or college?
what are the average salaries in this field?
what changes are on the horizon?
what parts of the country are theses the strongest?
to date is this type of green energy technology cost effective? if not why? and when do you see a change?
why do you feel that this a valuable resource?
is this supported by any type of government agency with funding? or are there private funds used?