Hello dear experts!
I am searching for specific information;
how much do all the quarks of the Universe weigh, and/ or more
importantly, what is their ratio to leptons?
This keeps pounding in my head,
replied to: seimopark
Replied to: Hello dear experts!
I am searching for specific information;...
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replied to: seimopark
Replied to: Hello dear experts!
I am searching for specific information;...
Quarks Mass
Up 1.7*10^-3.3 MeV
Down 4.1*10^-5.8 MeV
Charm 1270 MeV
Strange 101 MeV
Top 172 GeV
Bottom 4.19 GeV(MS)
4.67 GeV(1S)
Bottom has 2, dont know why.
Leptons Mass (MeV/c^2)
Electron 0.511
E Nuetrino 0(<7 x 10-6)
Muon 105.7
Mu Nuetrino 0(<0.27)
Tau 1777
Tau Nuetrino 0(<31)