More and more geologists and students have asked me to put my continental drift theory on the web after it has been gone for some years. Would therefore like to invite you here to read it.
The author C. Hagstrom, Washington, says this about the theory:
"I remember being laughed at when I did a science project
on continental drift in '65.
If you want an eye-opener, Helge Aspevik suggests
that instead of Pangaea the continents formed a
belt around the equator, spun out as the earth cooled,
as a centrifuge would. Helge presents redrawn maps
to show how this concept would handle the magnetic
orientations and transcontinental chemical parallel
features, etc. Once you think about it, it seems like
the only way the continents could possibly form.
Labored writing (English as a second language); elegant
--Craig Hagstrom, Washington--
Regards Helge Aspevik
You find my theory here:
The author C. Hagstrom, Washington, says this about the theory:
"I remember being laughed at when I did a science project
on continental drift in '65.
If you want an eye-opener, Helge Aspevik suggests
that instead of Pangaea the continents formed a
belt around the equator, spun out as the earth cooled,
as a centrifuge would. Helge presents redrawn maps
to show how this concept would handle the magnetic
orientations and transcontinental chemical parallel
features, etc. Once you think about it, it seems like
the only way the continents could possibly form.
Labored writing (English as a second language); elegant
--Craig Hagstrom, Washington--
Regards Helge Aspevik
You find my theory here: