Where is Hayden Christensen? Is he in LA working on something new and hot? Is he working on a winning role? Is he selecting the roles that will make good use of whatever potential he has? It seems these days the only place fans see Hayden Christensen or hear about him is on the gossip pages of Just Jared, or shooting fire at his trousers burning his ass at IMDb or making goo goo eyes for him at Desiring Hayden in hopes that fans will once again see their favorite celebrity do a winning role.
The fact is Hayden Christensen is not working. He's busy playing farmer. He makes it a point to stay in the public eye by allowing the paparazzi to shoot photos of he and Rachel Bilson. This suggests he is nothing but a sell out and is attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of fans. Well the fans aren't buying it.
Hayden Christensen is out of sight out of mind. The most action we have seen of Christensen are commercial and promotions with Lacoste. What kind of work is this? We see him doing little work and playing to the paparazzi. Christensen should realize that his fans aren't going to wait for him forever.
I've been reading fan posts at Desiring Hayden, IMDb. I have read Just Jared comments and many other gossip columns. The majority of Hayden's fans have lost all hope for him. Many of them feel lied to. Hayden Christensen made assertions that he was a private man and yet he's played to the media using his relationship with Bilson. For a good long year he lied about his relationship and then later when he felt he was good and ready to tell the truth he finally let the media know. Hayden's fans must be gullible and overflowing with forgiveness as he must expect his fans are the gullible types. Either that or he doesn't care what the public thinks of him.
Either way it does matter what the public thinks because the public is the one who is lining his pocket with money. However, what good movies does he have to show for that? He has not earned anything by far that merits what he has received. Factory Girl and Virgin Territory were a laugh. Awake and Jumper were only minor success and did nothing for the acting career of Hayden Christensen. He has led the world to believe he would do certain projects but then pulled out of them. Beast of Bataan was on the slate forever but where is it? Other films have been slated for work? Will they too fall to the waist side?
Let's face it Hayden's career is on very shaky ground right now. I don't see how he can make a come back unless the material he selects for his next role is grand. I highly doubt that will come to fruition for Hayden Christensen. It's such a shame to waste talent. I'm afraid we will never see his talent. It just may be too late for him.
Hayden's family have been ridiculed being described as living off his income, which is not a bad thing but fans just have found one more thing to pit against him in the wake of his lackadaisical attitude towards work.
Also, in regards to his this image of the clean nifty close tight family that everyone is led to believe he has had now seems to have been tarnished. Those sins have been made public. I have read on Just Jared, Gossip Girls, Hollywood Gossip that Hayden's father David Christensen had an affair with another woman against his wife Alie's knowledge. Turns out this woman met Hayden's father because of an IMDb issue which turned into some kind of passion and later abuse according to Ms Hunt. I have read the blogs of Shadow_Pomona or Lana Hunt and have found her incredible story about Hayden's father and her uneasy comparisons to youth. It appears the Christensen family were very caught up in Hayden's success to even take notice of David Christensen's behaviours and involvement with a lover which later turned abusive. It was later spread last year in October 2008 that David and Alie Christensen had divorced or were separated. Of course, fans would talk about all of these things because they simply had nothing better to talk about with what little Hayden was giving his fans.
During the summer of 2008 Hayden was seen throughout Los Angeles walking around appearing sickly, thin, unkept hair and clothes. This left room for fans to suggest Hayden was on drugs. And he stayed silent and allowed fans to continue to suggest drug abuse. He let the fans continue talking about his adulterous father. He allowed fans to keep guessing whether or not he and Rachel were friends or engaged or not. It's amazing the things I have read about this family and even more amazing how they pretend in front of the public that everything is peachy. The point is fans have discovered all of these things. Now they use anything they can find to discuss him as he has nothing in the works that merits a better conversation.
Fans have been reduced to discuss Hayden's relationship with Rachel Bilson or Hayden's mooching sister, and the other hiding sister and his rumored gay brother. Why all the rumors? Because Hayden has nothing good for fans to talk about. He has been playing footsie with Rachel and is allowing the paparazzi to take photos of it. Fans have been reduced to talk about Hayden's spending habits, his family mooching off his lazy earned money, and or about his mother and father's supposed divorce. It's so sad that these are the things that fans have left to talk about Hayden.
He wanted his life to be private but it doesn't appear that it is turning out that way for the D-listing actor. If Hayden wants to get back where he was with his fans then he needs to get on the ball about getting some good movie material. He may be seriously misled to believe he has all the time in the world to make a comeback. Sorry Hayden Christensen in today's world that is not the case. The failing economy of the US and Canada have not and will not make the movie industry pump out grand movies any time soon. Funding is even more difficult marketing and acquiring what is needed to get a movie out there is much more demanding and difficult to obtain. Just the same-good scripting is scarce. Not enough money. To top it off Hayden Christensen isn't getting any younger.
Where is Hayden Christensen headed? Right now maybe he should learn all that he can about being successful on a farm because that seems to be where he may just end up with his lack of great film work. It is such a shame that someone who started out with such a promising career has allowed it to dwindle next to nothing. What a shame. He could have had been more successful by this age but it seems he chose differently.
The fact is Hayden Christensen is not working. He's busy playing farmer. He makes it a point to stay in the public eye by allowing the paparazzi to shoot photos of he and Rachel Bilson. This suggests he is nothing but a sell out and is attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of fans. Well the fans aren't buying it.
Hayden Christensen is out of sight out of mind. The most action we have seen of Christensen are commercial and promotions with Lacoste. What kind of work is this? We see him doing little work and playing to the paparazzi. Christensen should realize that his fans aren't going to wait for him forever.
I've been reading fan posts at Desiring Hayden, IMDb. I have read Just Jared comments and many other gossip columns. The majority of Hayden's fans have lost all hope for him. Many of them feel lied to. Hayden Christensen made assertions that he was a private man and yet he's played to the media using his relationship with Bilson. For a good long year he lied about his relationship and then later when he felt he was good and ready to tell the truth he finally let the media know. Hayden's fans must be gullible and overflowing with forgiveness as he must expect his fans are the gullible types. Either that or he doesn't care what the public thinks of him.
Either way it does matter what the public thinks because the public is the one who is lining his pocket with money. However, what good movies does he have to show for that? He has not earned anything by far that merits what he has received. Factory Girl and Virgin Territory were a laugh. Awake and Jumper were only minor success and did nothing for the acting career of Hayden Christensen. He has led the world to believe he would do certain projects but then pulled out of them. Beast of Bataan was on the slate forever but where is it? Other films have been slated for work? Will they too fall to the waist side?
Let's face it Hayden's career is on very shaky ground right now. I don't see how he can make a come back unless the material he selects for his next role is grand. I highly doubt that will come to fruition for Hayden Christensen. It's such a shame to waste talent. I'm afraid we will never see his talent. It just may be too late for him.
Hayden's family have been ridiculed being described as living off his income, which is not a bad thing but fans just have found one more thing to pit against him in the wake of his lackadaisical attitude towards work.
Also, in regards to his this image of the clean nifty close tight family that everyone is led to believe he has had now seems to have been tarnished. Those sins have been made public. I have read on Just Jared, Gossip Girls, Hollywood Gossip that Hayden's father David Christensen had an affair with another woman against his wife Alie's knowledge. Turns out this woman met Hayden's father because of an IMDb issue which turned into some kind of passion and later abuse according to Ms Hunt. I have read the blogs of Shadow_Pomona or Lana Hunt and have found her incredible story about Hayden's father and her uneasy comparisons to youth. It appears the Christensen family were very caught up in Hayden's success to even take notice of David Christensen's behaviours and involvement with a lover which later turned abusive. It was later spread last year in October 2008 that David and Alie Christensen had divorced or were separated. Of course, fans would talk about all of these things because they simply had nothing better to talk about with what little Hayden was giving his fans.
During the summer of 2008 Hayden was seen throughout Los Angeles walking around appearing sickly, thin, unkept hair and clothes. This left room for fans to suggest Hayden was on drugs. And he stayed silent and allowed fans to continue to suggest drug abuse. He let the fans continue talking about his adulterous father. He allowed fans to keep guessing whether or not he and Rachel were friends or engaged or not. It's amazing the things I have read about this family and even more amazing how they pretend in front of the public that everything is peachy. The point is fans have discovered all of these things. Now they use anything they can find to discuss him as he has nothing in the works that merits a better conversation.
Fans have been reduced to discuss Hayden's relationship with Rachel Bilson or Hayden's mooching sister, and the other hiding sister and his rumored gay brother. Why all the rumors? Because Hayden has nothing good for fans to talk about. He has been playing footsie with Rachel and is allowing the paparazzi to take photos of it. Fans have been reduced to talk about Hayden's spending habits, his family mooching off his lazy earned money, and or about his mother and father's supposed divorce. It's so sad that these are the things that fans have left to talk about Hayden.
He wanted his life to be private but it doesn't appear that it is turning out that way for the D-listing actor. If Hayden wants to get back where he was with his fans then he needs to get on the ball about getting some good movie material. He may be seriously misled to believe he has all the time in the world to make a comeback. Sorry Hayden Christensen in today's world that is not the case. The failing economy of the US and Canada have not and will not make the movie industry pump out grand movies any time soon. Funding is even more difficult marketing and acquiring what is needed to get a movie out there is much more demanding and difficult to obtain. Just the same-good scripting is scarce. Not enough money. To top it off Hayden Christensen isn't getting any younger.
Where is Hayden Christensen headed? Right now maybe he should learn all that he can about being successful on a farm because that seems to be where he may just end up with his lack of great film work. It is such a shame that someone who started out with such a promising career has allowed it to dwindle next to nothing. What a shame. He could have had been more successful by this age but it seems he chose differently.