Have had this 2006 international four and a half years and it has been in the shop every 3 to six mounths since weve had it. This truck is a tandom dump. And it belongs in a dump, this truck is junk. Can some one tell me how i can speak with or get in touch with someone from international that will help me. There is a guy name Steve tucker from International that has been runnig test on the truck and knows the history but iam getting know where with this guy. Please someone help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
replied to: jcamp
Replied to: Have had this 2006 international four and a half years and...
I would contact lemon laws in your state, if a lease youre screwed the manufactor doesnt have anything to do under a lease the lease firm technally ownes the car. Your warrenty might do something. I had a 87 chrysler lebaron that was in the shop 80 days minor and major problems. I turned it in and walked away then 6 months later they sued me for the car. The deaker had sold the car out of state and pocketed the money sued him and lost. No cash. I had the car 13 months. I had run into the people that bought the car they also had a rainbow of problems.