Social Security number
Has any one ever sugested this about SSN# cards
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Has any one thought of or suggested anything about making our social security card like into credit cards you'll need pin numbers to use it if you lose it just change the pin not the social security number you still have to swipe it like a credit card like our license sometimes you could even put your picture on it and like the security on credit cards that number has to be correct on the back of it you don't have to put the actual SSN# on the card when it swips then gives accept or decline and also you have to renew it ever few years so when people die and there card is not renew then its unusable for kids well the parents keep up with there credit cards so im sure they could keep up with their child's social security credited cards im not saying that the cards will be used as credit cards but those that get funds from social security could have that option to have those funds transferred to their social security card those who have bridge cards know what i mean it will cut back on using paper there are risk doe who ever keeps track of the information will have to have top security which wud be most likely the government i think doe that doing it that will cut down on identity theft if anyone else think this is a good ideal plz leave a comment or other suggestions ty