I am trying to contact members of the Hamilton family located in the Columbus/Franklin area in Indiana. My father Philip Bruce Hamilton was born in Franklin Indiana July 22 1926 to Henry Kite Hamilton and Yolande Bernice Legan. Henry Kite Hamilton was born to Grover Wirt Hamilton and his wife Eliza Anna Sanders. Grover and Eliza had 7 Children: Bertis Frank Hamilton ( who started Hamilton Cosco in Columbus Indiana I think) Perry H. Hamilton, Sadie Hamilton,(Who married Frank Charles Liemeyer), Henry Kite Hamilton, Wilma Clara Hamilton,(Who married Charles P. McCrady),Chester Virgil Hamilton, and Catherine hamilton (who married Maurice Chase), My name is Gregory Bruce Hamilton, the second Child born to Philip Bruce Hamilton (who was called Bruce by the Hamilton Family) and Barbara Jane Forse (of Anderson Indiana).I have a book of "our" family tree but we moved to North Carolina in 1960 and only went back to Indiana for a visit a few times. I got to meet some of my father's Aunts and Uncles but being a child at the time I don't remember meeting any of their children, maybe I did but I don't remember. Anyway if there is anyone in Franklin or Columbus that know the Hamilton family I am talking about PLEASE email me gregorybhamilton@yahoo.com
Thanks, Greg
Thanks, Greg