There are lots of problems associated with the Deepwater Horizon disaster- all of which I would love to debate.. but at the moment we need solutions. BP has lost control of the situation and President Obama has yet to declare this situation a National Emergency.
Please take action and sign by signing the petition @ http://stopthespill.org/petition/ and forwarding the link to everyone you know.
The next step after the gushing well is stopped is to discuss the bigger picture- but for now, take one minute to ask our President to do what's necesary to get this situation back on track.
Please take action and sign by signing the petition @ http://stopthespill.org/petition/ and forwarding the link to everyone you know.
The next step after the gushing well is stopped is to discuss the bigger picture- but for now, take one minute to ask our President to do what's necesary to get this situation back on track.