God is always in human form for human beings (you can understand God only through Shastras)
Shankara told that God is awareness. By this He means that God is always in human form for human beings. The awareness is not available independently anywhere without a gross body. Therefore, the awareness indicates the human body and it avoids the statues and photos, which are inert. Of course, statues and photos are essential for worship for beginners, who cannot accept the human form due to ego and jealousy. Hence, you should not criticize the idol worship since the majority will be hurt, which is trying to get rid of the ignorance gradually. You should not condemn the idol worship but you should analyze the truth in it and try to help the beginners to come up. Any effort is with mistake only in the beginning (Sarvarambhahi doshena..Gita).
Awareness is the identity card of God for humanity. This can be understood from lakshana from Tarka Shastra. According to that, when you call
Shankara told that God is awareness. By this He means that God is always in human form for human beings. The awareness is not available independently anywhere without a gross body. Therefore, the awareness indicates the human body and it avoids the statues and photos, which are inert. Of course, statues and photos are essential for worship for beginners, who cannot accept the human form due to ego and jealousy. Hence, you should not criticize the idol worship since the majority will be hurt, which is trying to get rid of the ignorance gradually. You should not condemn the idol worship but you should analyze the truth in it and try to help the beginners to come up. Any effort is with mistake only in the beginning (Sarvarambhahi doshena..Gita).
Awareness is the identity card of God for humanity. This can be understood from lakshana from Tarka Shastra. According to that, when you call