You should really take the decision to undergo a laser hair removal treatment seriously. Even though the treatment is, in general, very effective, there are risks involved, and the results will vary depending on the person.
Before scheduling the treatment, you must research different lasers, learn about possible side effects, and talk to a professional laser hair removal provider. Then, it is time to get ready for the treatment.
The preparation prior to the treatment will ensure your safety, and it will produce hassle-free procedures and superior results.
By following the guidelines below, you will avoid side effects, improve results, minimize total treatment time, and lessen the odds of pain and discomfort.
- A month prior to treatment
As soon as you schedule your laser hair removal treatment, your chosen provider will give you a set of instructions.
The preparations may start weeks before the first session, and they involve getting your skin and unwanted hair ready to make them more receptive to laser treatments.
If you usually wax, tweeze, use depilatories, or bleach, you should stop several weeks prior to the treatment. This will ensure the hair removal treatment is completed effectively and correctly.
Lasers are attracted by melanin in hair and skin, so, if you have tanned skin or normally use tanning creams and lotions, you have to discontinue their use weeks before the treatment.
You should be cautious about exposing yourself to the sun before the treatment, so always wear sunscreen if you are going to spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunburn will affect the results because the reddened skin will influence how the laser interacts with the skin and hair follicles.
- A day prior to treatment
You have to shave the areas that will be treated; if you don’t, the technician will. This will allow for the laser procedure to be completed quicker and it will diminish the discomfort and/or pain during the treatment.
If there’s a lot of hair on the skin’s surface during the treatment, the laser will target the hair as well as the follicle under the skin, burning the hair and probably the skin.
- The day of the treatment
You should not apply any lotion, makeup, perfume, and deodorant on that day. Any substances on the skin can refract the laser’s energy and obstruct its effectiveness.
When you arrive for treatment, you will be shaved and cleaned. If you have low pain tolerance or are worried about feeling discomfort, the technician may apply an anesthetic cream to reduce feeling. If the provider does not approve of anesthetic creams, you can take a mild oral painkiller like Tylenol 15 to 20 minutes before the treatment.
- After the treatment
After the session, you will probably notice that your skin is red and irritated. This is normal, and, as a general rule, you should keep your skin hydrated, protected from the sun, and free from excess irritation.
If you follow these guidelines, there’s no reason why you can’t go back to your daily activities immediately. The tone and feel of your skin will go back to normal in 1 or 2 days.
If this treatment is for you, look for a Colorado laser hair removal expert to start the process. A professional will guide you through the process in detail, it will give you all the information you need, and will recommend what will give you the best results.
If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention www.aspenlaserspa.com as the original source).
Rachel Clarkson
Interested in Denver Smart Lipo or Colorado Smart Lipo?
Before scheduling the treatment, you must research different lasers, learn about possible side effects, and talk to a professional laser hair removal provider. Then, it is time to get ready for the treatment.
The preparation prior to the treatment will ensure your safety, and it will produce hassle-free procedures and superior results.
By following the guidelines below, you will avoid side effects, improve results, minimize total treatment time, and lessen the odds of pain and discomfort.
- A month prior to treatment
As soon as you schedule your laser hair removal treatment, your chosen provider will give you a set of instructions.
The preparations may start weeks before the first session, and they involve getting your skin and unwanted hair ready to make them more receptive to laser treatments.
If you usually wax, tweeze, use depilatories, or bleach, you should stop several weeks prior to the treatment. This will ensure the hair removal treatment is completed effectively and correctly.
Lasers are attracted by melanin in hair and skin, so, if you have tanned skin or normally use tanning creams and lotions, you have to discontinue their use weeks before the treatment.
You should be cautious about exposing yourself to the sun before the treatment, so always wear sunscreen if you are going to spend a lot of time outdoors. Sunburn will affect the results because the reddened skin will influence how the laser interacts with the skin and hair follicles.
- A day prior to treatment
You have to shave the areas that will be treated; if you don’t, the technician will. This will allow for the laser procedure to be completed quicker and it will diminish the discomfort and/or pain during the treatment.
If there’s a lot of hair on the skin’s surface during the treatment, the laser will target the hair as well as the follicle under the skin, burning the hair and probably the skin.
- The day of the treatment
You should not apply any lotion, makeup, perfume, and deodorant on that day. Any substances on the skin can refract the laser’s energy and obstruct its effectiveness.
When you arrive for treatment, you will be shaved and cleaned. If you have low pain tolerance or are worried about feeling discomfort, the technician may apply an anesthetic cream to reduce feeling. If the provider does not approve of anesthetic creams, you can take a mild oral painkiller like Tylenol 15 to 20 minutes before the treatment.
- After the treatment
After the session, you will probably notice that your skin is red and irritated. This is normal, and, as a general rule, you should keep your skin hydrated, protected from the sun, and free from excess irritation.
If you follow these guidelines, there’s no reason why you can’t go back to your daily activities immediately. The tone and feel of your skin will go back to normal in 1 or 2 days.
If this treatment is for you, look for a Colorado laser hair removal expert to start the process. A professional will guide you through the process in detail, it will give you all the information you need, and will recommend what will give you the best results.
If you liked this article, tell all your friends about it. They’ll thank you for it. If you have a blog or website, you can link to it or even post it to your own site (don’t forget to mention www.aspenlaserspa.com as the original source).
Rachel Clarkson
Interested in Denver Smart Lipo or Colorado Smart Lipo?