As a GSSN, I had no Post, as described. When I went to school, for guided missileman, Dam Neck,VA (USNAVY), I happen to meet John Glenn (APD1958), on an occassion, in which we had a few kind words. He claimed that he was a "Space Cadet," but I felt that he was much more... Later months and years proved me to be correct. My next three years in the US Navy proved me correct. John Glenn was the first Astronaught... and always will be...
After many years, I wished that I could be the first man in space... but after meeting John Glenn, I'm happy to let him have that place. John Glenn has always was and will be my hero. Few will ever know what sacrafice what John has made, for our country, and his personal life.
I speant the next three years on board the USS Norton Sound, AVM-1, as a guidedmissileman, in the US Navy.
God Bless You John Glenn...
Ernie Mueller
After many years, I wished that I could be the first man in space... but after meeting John Glenn, I'm happy to let him have that place. John Glenn has always was and will be my hero. Few will ever know what sacrafice what John has made, for our country, and his personal life.
I speant the next three years on board the USS Norton Sound, AVM-1, as a guidedmissileman, in the US Navy.
God Bless You John Glenn...
Ernie Mueller