Hi everybody,
I've recently bought a notebook with Radeon garphics HD7670M and want to run a heavy compution using GPGPU; I've tried to install this module but Iget the following errors:
loading initial environment
Start sciGPGPU
Load macros
Load help
Shared archive loaded.
Link done.
link: The file C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.3\contrib\sciGPGPU\sci_gateway\c\\gpu_c.dll does not exist.
link: The file C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.3\contrib\sciGPGPU\sci_gateway\c\\gpu_c.dll does not exist.
addinter(gpu_c_path + filesep() + 'gpu_c' + getdynlibext(), 'gpu_c', list_functions);
!--error 236
addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: Unknown Error
at line 22 of exec file called by :
at line 262 of exec file called by :
at line 10 of exec file called by :
in execstr instruction called by :
if exists("gcbo") then %oldgcbo = gcbo; end;gcbo = getcallbackobject(8);execstr(toolboxes(1));if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %oldgcbo; else clear gcbo; end;
while executing a callback
would you please help me to find the problem? Is it possible to run GPGPU on ATI GPUs, at all? or just it works with CUDA on Nvidia cards?
I've downloaded and installed "AMD APP SDK V2.8" for 64-bit win7.
I've recently bought a notebook with Radeon garphics HD7670M and want to run a heavy compution using GPGPU; I've tried to install this module but Iget the following errors:
loading initial environment
Start sciGPGPU
Load macros
Load help
Shared archive loaded.
Link done.
link: The file C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.3\contrib\sciGPGPU\sci_gateway\c\\gpu_c.dll does not exist.
link: The file C:\PROGRA~1\SCILAB~1.3\contrib\sciGPGPU\sci_gateway\c\\gpu_c.dll does not exist.
addinter(gpu_c_path + filesep() + 'gpu_c' + getdynlibext(), 'gpu_c', list_functions);
!--error 236
addinter: The shared archive was not loaded: Unknown Error
at line 22 of exec file called by :
at line 262 of exec file called by :
at line 10 of exec file called by :
in execstr instruction called by :
if exists("gcbo") then %oldgcbo = gcbo; end;gcbo = getcallbackobject(8);execstr(toolboxes(1));if exists("%oldgcbo") then gcbo = %oldgcbo; else clear gcbo; end;
while executing a callback
would you please help me to find the problem? Is it possible to run GPGPU on ATI GPUs, at all? or just it works with CUDA on Nvidia cards?
I've downloaded and installed "AMD APP SDK V2.8" for 64-bit win7.