I am simply going over old facts. I am trying to make use of the free solar energy available in the world's deserts.
Basically I outlined else where the use of solar furnaces with a suitable 'substance' which at moderate temperatures strips the hydrogen from water by forming an 'oxide' which by heating at higher temperatue will reform the origional 'substance'. The problem is that the hydrogen produced has difficulties in storage and use. I am considering the possibilty of a parallel process using the heat of the solar furnace (and compressors driven by heat engines using the same source)together with other recyclable 'substances' to capture atmospheric CO2 and convert this to CO and in a final stage at elevated temperatures combine this with the H2 to yield the much more practicle methanol. I trust that this has all been thought out before but considering its potential possibilities I have to make sure.
Basically I outlined else where the use of solar furnaces with a suitable 'substance' which at moderate temperatures strips the hydrogen from water by forming an 'oxide' which by heating at higher temperatue will reform the origional 'substance'. The problem is that the hydrogen produced has difficulties in storage and use. I am considering the possibilty of a parallel process using the heat of the solar furnace (and compressors driven by heat engines using the same source)together with other recyclable 'substances' to capture atmospheric CO2 and convert this to CO and in a final stage at elevated temperatures combine this with the H2 to yield the much more practicle methanol. I trust that this has all been thought out before but considering its potential possibilities I have to make sure.