Tru Calling
From what we know: was Tru good or evil?
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Just finished Tru Calling and it is too bad the execs had to pull it. Another intriguing tv series gone by the way-side.

It seems that Tru was being pulled by some force. It was an intelligent force and was in conflict with an 'opposite'. Although we can see that human emotion plays a role.

Was this a war on some spiritual level?
Was this a challenge to "Pre-Destination"?
Does the changing of someone's life change the 'Universe' or is it localized to our little planet?

Was the series a reflection of our own belief systems of 'right' and 'wrong'. From who's point of view do you want to believe in the story line?
Tru's dad is made to 'look evil'.

It was, in my opinion, a weak point that Jack and Dad never had a sit down with Tru explaining their point of view. Does Tru reflect our held fast dogmas? Or does Jack invite the conflict, wanting it, therefore he won't have that discussion with Tru?

Ahhhhh I'll miss Tru-Calling.

Steph Beach