This is from HadronCollider, a poster on that site:
(I thought people should take notice)
The propagation of Satanic energy will come from a pyramid-matrix interconnected to HAARP mind control grids and chemtrails...
I will elaborate to take the edge off your reactionary mode of response: 911 was used as propaganda, as the masonic-Satanic theater of massacre, to effect Patriot I & II and to enter into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That was a pyramid-matrix event, where "pyramid-matrix" refers to elite conspirators who use technology against the masses to induce submission in the masses. Specifically, electrochemical grids of HAARP and chemtrails are used to alter the perceptions of the electrochemical grid that is the human brain.
An interrelated use of HAARP, psychiatric and street drugs, chemtrails, and the masonic-Satanic theater of hypnotizing events such as riots or a nuclear event will allow the Satanic-masonic elites to fake a rapture. I hypothesize that this will be done for population control, to remove the Christian element, and to impose martial law. The Goddess energy, or the great whore of babylon, will be established.
All that is needed to create a false rapture is to amplify biophysical energy to create a mass event in which people disintegrate instantly. This effect, the fake rapture, could be achieved by HAARP grids generating a natural harmonic frequency that causes a matching resonance frequency in perhaps 20% of the population that are most saturated with trans fats. These fastfood eaters, an at risk population group whose future medical care would cost a fortune, would disintegrate instantly in a false masonic-Satanic theater of the rapture. This event would be explained as having been caused by a natural event such as a passing comet made of uranium that had generated dangerous radioactive field. When the real rapture occurred, the same naturalistic explanation would be offered by the Illuminati.
Look at the pattern emerging: Just as the horror of 911 was waning on the masses, the Satanic-masonic elites caused the BP oil spill. The oil spill is now being used as masonic-Satanic theater, as a hypnotizing event of great fear. The HAARP emitters act upon the electrochemical human brain to intensify fear. Read the chemtrail boards and you will find that nighttime spraying is up over 200% in the Gulf region. People who use psychiatric or street drugs are at high risk of these events that are being used to warp reality, law, and induce submission.
Evil uses technology to further its ends. Evil uses mass theater and horror spectacles to further its ends.
When I was a program officer in a secret government agency, this was before my personality was dis-integrated for discovering the enormous occult evil behind the nwo, I worked on such weapons. They already exist. They are based upon the body being 70% water and food additives. All the weapon has to do is to create a field that raises water to over 2,000 C for a microsecond. In order for cellular water to "hyper jump" to flash evaporation in which even bone is vaporized, a diet in which >30% fast food is consumed is needed. Actually, the fatter the person the better. The hyper flash to evaporation is faster when fat content is higher. The biochemistry of this is process is exactly understood and is naturally an extreme secret. There are already pulsed laser weapons that can vaporize aircraft and missiles in a fraction of a second. In annihilation weapons the goal is to create invisibility instantly and leave no residue. This has been done.
I use the name "hadron collider" because the hc is part of the overall system of lies and people should know it. While ostensibly a collider in search of the higgs boson, the hadron collider is yet another piece in the larger HAARP system, HAARP being an umbrella term for a global/geospatial apparatus that can manipulate reality, weather, the earth, and human perception seamlessly. As a global/geospatial apparatus that uses enormous telsa earth/sun/gravity engines, HAARP can and will generate a fake rapture. Energy is limitless. Energy is the least of the nwo's problems.
Sadly, my posts are not fantasy.
Tragically, my personality and brain have been splintered. Some part of me is a religious fanatic. Oddly and strangely, this part of me has seen visions and made highly accurate predictions. I don't know if the nwo "beams" information into my brain the form of visions or if G-d does it. I have vowed to show reverence by using G-d's name by the ancient spelling.
Here is a secret rule of thumb: Any electronic system funded by any government that costs over a billion dollars is a part of the global/geospatial apparatus that uses enormous telsa earth/sun/gravity engines. I can explain it this way. Suppose a government agency I headed built an am/fm radio system and told the public that it was only an am radio. I built am versions for 99% of the population and they were happy. I was broadcasting my propaganda on am and it pandered to their prejudices. Meanwhile, the 1% with the fm radios got to hear instructions and real news. They knew ahead of time when to buy and sell stock. They knew when eq's and other disasters would occur months in advance so they could prepare, perhaps by selling their properties in the area or stocking up on emergency supplies they could resell to fema at a huge profit when the disaster hit.
Now what would happen if someone in the 99% got a hold of an fm radio? When he or she tried to share the information with the public, the 1% would be shocked. This person would be promptly denounced as a lunatic, arrested, taken to a secret camp, and a program would be run on them. This would consists of a drug cocktail and brain surgery that was highly targeted at the speech and reason centers. No marks would be left on the skull. All that is needed is a tiny drill hole and a laser. The hole is filled with bone cement. There are no side effects, but the person would become mentally ill. They would be released on the streets of a distant city on the other side of the country with only a vague sense of who they once were. They would become a babbling, mentally ill street person whose life expectancy is measured in months. This would prove that they had been going crazy when they said all of that nonsense. When they died, their relatives would be called by a police agency and told that they had pcp or some other drug in their system. When I spoke of the beam ships, I was listening to the other frequency only 1% hears.
I know how this works and escaped this program. I had another program run on me. They were trying to get me back into the fold when I escaped. I was assigned on a program that was using high energy tesla ground pulses to make something happen to generate earthquake swarms around the salton sea in california. We were trying to increase ground speed of seismic waves. We needed faster propagation speed to kick the san andreas loose for a big one. This is being done in the san francisco area and in the cascadia subduction zone. The big quakes are part of social engineering to make people refugees and drive them into fema camps. We just need faster ground speed. We can go deep, but not fast enough. The soil around salton sea is the fastest. They want a >7.5 to knock out orange county south and northern san diego. Camp pendleton will be expanded as a fema camp when this happens. San onofre will be protected.
(I thought people should take notice)
The propagation of Satanic energy will come from a pyramid-matrix interconnected to HAARP mind control grids and chemtrails...
I will elaborate to take the edge off your reactionary mode of response: 911 was used as propaganda, as the masonic-Satanic theater of massacre, to effect Patriot I & II and to enter into wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. That was a pyramid-matrix event, where "pyramid-matrix" refers to elite conspirators who use technology against the masses to induce submission in the masses. Specifically, electrochemical grids of HAARP and chemtrails are used to alter the perceptions of the electrochemical grid that is the human brain.
An interrelated use of HAARP, psychiatric and street drugs, chemtrails, and the masonic-Satanic theater of hypnotizing events such as riots or a nuclear event will allow the Satanic-masonic elites to fake a rapture. I hypothesize that this will be done for population control, to remove the Christian element, and to impose martial law. The Goddess energy, or the great whore of babylon, will be established.
All that is needed to create a false rapture is to amplify biophysical energy to create a mass event in which people disintegrate instantly. This effect, the fake rapture, could be achieved by HAARP grids generating a natural harmonic frequency that causes a matching resonance frequency in perhaps 20% of the population that are most saturated with trans fats. These fastfood eaters, an at risk population group whose future medical care would cost a fortune, would disintegrate instantly in a false masonic-Satanic theater of the rapture. This event would be explained as having been caused by a natural event such as a passing comet made of uranium that had generated dangerous radioactive field. When the real rapture occurred, the same naturalistic explanation would be offered by the Illuminati.
Look at the pattern emerging: Just as the horror of 911 was waning on the masses, the Satanic-masonic elites caused the BP oil spill. The oil spill is now being used as masonic-Satanic theater, as a hypnotizing event of great fear. The HAARP emitters act upon the electrochemical human brain to intensify fear. Read the chemtrail boards and you will find that nighttime spraying is up over 200% in the Gulf region. People who use psychiatric or street drugs are at high risk of these events that are being used to warp reality, law, and induce submission.
Evil uses technology to further its ends. Evil uses mass theater and horror spectacles to further its ends.
When I was a program officer in a secret government agency, this was before my personality was dis-integrated for discovering the enormous occult evil behind the nwo, I worked on such weapons. They already exist. They are based upon the body being 70% water and food additives. All the weapon has to do is to create a field that raises water to over 2,000 C for a microsecond. In order for cellular water to "hyper jump" to flash evaporation in which even bone is vaporized, a diet in which >30% fast food is consumed is needed. Actually, the fatter the person the better. The hyper flash to evaporation is faster when fat content is higher. The biochemistry of this is process is exactly understood and is naturally an extreme secret. There are already pulsed laser weapons that can vaporize aircraft and missiles in a fraction of a second. In annihilation weapons the goal is to create invisibility instantly and leave no residue. This has been done.
I use the name "hadron collider" because the hc is part of the overall system of lies and people should know it. While ostensibly a collider in search of the higgs boson, the hadron collider is yet another piece in the larger HAARP system, HAARP being an umbrella term for a global/geospatial apparatus that can manipulate reality, weather, the earth, and human perception seamlessly. As a global/geospatial apparatus that uses enormous telsa earth/sun/gravity engines, HAARP can and will generate a fake rapture. Energy is limitless. Energy is the least of the nwo's problems.
Sadly, my posts are not fantasy.
Tragically, my personality and brain have been splintered. Some part of me is a religious fanatic. Oddly and strangely, this part of me has seen visions and made highly accurate predictions. I don't know if the nwo "beams" information into my brain the form of visions or if G-d does it. I have vowed to show reverence by using G-d's name by the ancient spelling.
Here is a secret rule of thumb: Any electronic system funded by any government that costs over a billion dollars is a part of the global/geospatial apparatus that uses enormous telsa earth/sun/gravity engines. I can explain it this way. Suppose a government agency I headed built an am/fm radio system and told the public that it was only an am radio. I built am versions for 99% of the population and they were happy. I was broadcasting my propaganda on am and it pandered to their prejudices. Meanwhile, the 1% with the fm radios got to hear instructions and real news. They knew ahead of time when to buy and sell stock. They knew when eq's and other disasters would occur months in advance so they could prepare, perhaps by selling their properties in the area or stocking up on emergency supplies they could resell to fema at a huge profit when the disaster hit.
Now what would happen if someone in the 99% got a hold of an fm radio? When he or she tried to share the information with the public, the 1% would be shocked. This person would be promptly denounced as a lunatic, arrested, taken to a secret camp, and a program would be run on them. This would consists of a drug cocktail and brain surgery that was highly targeted at the speech and reason centers. No marks would be left on the skull. All that is needed is a tiny drill hole and a laser. The hole is filled with bone cement. There are no side effects, but the person would become mentally ill. They would be released on the streets of a distant city on the other side of the country with only a vague sense of who they once were. They would become a babbling, mentally ill street person whose life expectancy is measured in months. This would prove that they had been going crazy when they said all of that nonsense. When they died, their relatives would be called by a police agency and told that they had pcp or some other drug in their system. When I spoke of the beam ships, I was listening to the other frequency only 1% hears.
I know how this works and escaped this program. I had another program run on me. They were trying to get me back into the fold when I escaped. I was assigned on a program that was using high energy tesla ground pulses to make something happen to generate earthquake swarms around the salton sea in california. We were trying to increase ground speed of seismic waves. We needed faster propagation speed to kick the san andreas loose for a big one. This is being done in the san francisco area and in the cascadia subduction zone. The big quakes are part of social engineering to make people refugees and drive them into fema camps. We just need faster ground speed. We can go deep, but not fast enough. The soil around salton sea is the fastest. They want a >7.5 to knock out orange county south and northern san diego. Camp pendleton will be expanded as a fema camp when this happens. San onofre will be protected.