The Cosmopolitan Cultural Church Newspaper of Manhattan
It`s a cultural newspaper written by an exschool teacher of English with umanistic studies from Roma (Chiari Anna).
Telephone: 0040-0734 328 396
The Reserch of a God of Freedom, it`s the necesity, of a lot of people like any-one would have done and wants to do in freedon of Choosing. As we are similar to God and we would like to imitate Him as much as we make meditation with dialog and our work with prayers.
The darwinian theory thet i`m determined to esclude it becouse this sientist Darwin took example of esperiments from a very small land, not from all over the world, where animals like gorillas didnt exist at all, to be incested.
I`m talking about a God who is near to Menkind whose geburstag the Christianity celebrate every year in the churchas. So that no one should be feling lonly on this earth till the departure to Paradise.
Let`s me to remarke about my satellitare interview in Constanta - Romania with a group of young Mormoni missionari from the Kent of England, ten days ago – about paradise as a future place of living life.
The young Gordon Brown missionari was astonished to hear that it was`n interessant to know where could be our own family in paradise. Infact the esperience of saints written in many books - tells us about the celestial estasy in the vision of God.
And i`s also my opinion of corse.
A meditating about a new bible interpreted by a friend of Theirs that we will be together in paradise.
I like talking from the Rinascimento Italiano about the most artistic and religiuse person "the Medici families" of that period, whoose Lorence il Magnifico used to say in his conferences of cultura " I have done so much for the Belle arti and for beutiness in contrapposition to the macabro will of demential
It`s a cultural newspaper written by an exschool teacher of English with umanistic studies from Roma (Chiari Anna).
Telephone: 0040-0734 328 396
The Reserch of a God of Freedom, it`s the necesity, of a lot of people like any-one would have done and wants to do in freedon of Choosing. As we are similar to God and we would like to imitate Him as much as we make meditation with dialog and our work with prayers.
The darwinian theory thet i`m determined to esclude it becouse this sientist Darwin took example of esperiments from a very small land, not from all over the world, where animals like gorillas didnt exist at all, to be incested.
I`m talking about a God who is near to Menkind whose geburstag the Christianity celebrate every year in the churchas. So that no one should be feling lonly on this earth till the departure to Paradise.
Let`s me to remarke about my satellitare interview in Constanta - Romania with a group of young Mormoni missionari from the Kent of England, ten days ago – about paradise as a future place of living life.
The young Gordon Brown missionari was astonished to hear that it was`n interessant to know where could be our own family in paradise. Infact the esperience of saints written in many books - tells us about the celestial estasy in the vision of God.
And i`s also my opinion of corse.
A meditating about a new bible interpreted by a friend of Theirs that we will be together in paradise.
I like talking from the Rinascimento Italiano about the most artistic and religiuse person "the Medici families" of that period, whoose Lorence il Magnifico used to say in his conferences of cultura " I have done so much for the Belle arti and for beutiness in contrapposition to the macabro will of demential