There is a story that when Guru Gobind Singh Jee was escaping through the forests as "Uch Da Pir" (The Muslim Saint from Uch) that some Moghul guards stopped his palanquin asking who was inside. When the Singhs (dressed as Muslims) told them it was the great saint "Uch Da Pir" the guards wanted to test the saint. They handed over a dish of halaal (muslim) meat to Guru Sahib. Now Guru ji had given orders to his Sikh army not allowing Sikhs to eat the food of the enemy as it was a sign of forced conversion. So the Muslim guards knew a Sikh wouldn’t eat it and they could catch the Guru out if it was him inside. So Guru Sahib did not waste any time in thoughts of “should I eat it or shouldn't I”, he had no bharams (doubts / superstitions) . He just recited "gur prasad bharam ka naas" meaning by God's grace ALL doubts are destroyed. Having blessed the food he ate it and the guards lets him pass.
The Sikhs at the present moment are caught up in many many bharams. And the more "religious" one gets, the more he just seems to be wrapped up in bharams. That is why the SatGuru's were so important to the world. They very simply showed people what was the simple and right way to God and destroyed thousands of superstions and doubts. We want our spirit to be free 'Mukt' liberated, yet when we enter on the path everyone we meet gives us another bharam to weigh us down. Instead of religion freeing us, it ties us down even more. Gives us more things to feel guilty about which leads to becoming either introverted and depressed, fearing to speak out in case we get struck down by lightning. Or we get rebellious from religion and turn our back on the whole religion.
Kukkar Raam Ko !!
The Sikhs at the present moment are caught up in many many bharams. And the more "religious" one gets, the more he just seems to be wrapped up in bharams. That is why the SatGuru's were so important to the world. They very simply showed people what was the simple and right way to God and destroyed thousands of superstions and doubts. We want our spirit to be free 'Mukt' liberated, yet when we enter on the path everyone we meet gives us another bharam to weigh us down. Instead of religion freeing us, it ties us down even more. Gives us more things to feel guilty about which leads to becoming either introverted and depressed, fearing to speak out in case we get struck down by lightning. Or we get rebellious from religion and turn our back on the whole religion.
Kukkar Raam Ko !!