The energy realesed when the 100 particles that compose an electron move(thier orbital revolution rates ,and axial tipping speeds)when these 100 particles shift there is a light emission the same amount of energy that is realesed when you collide atom's in a particle accelerator. Basically there are 100 billion,trillion electrons in every drop of water,&enough energy too run 100hp for 2yr's continuous.
replied to: RickyPeace
Replied to: The energy realesed when the 100 particles that compose an electron...
Although the energy stored in a drop of water could provide that much electro-motive work, there is a price to be paid in tapping it. The human-defined laws of thermo-dynamics and physics are a clue to the conservation inherent.
Your statement is interesting. But, is there a discussion lurking in the shadows, which you intended to spark with it?
replied to: RickyPeace
Replied to: The energy realesed when the 100 particles that compose an electron...
Energy releasing is an earthquake for reformation the earth
replied to: Yoda55
Replied to: Although the energy stored in a drop of water could provide...
Prices have been paid for the energy stored stored in the drops of water the price of bottle water is expensive are you more thirsty for water now then before now