What do you think about the parents of a Dal student being involved and charged with multiple fraud Steve Cole has been convicted of contavening the bCanadian Environmental laws when he tried to ship sensitive electronic equipment to HK. He has also been charged with other fraud activities for which he is still to face court.
He was well aware that it was highly illegal to ship sensitive electronic equipment He is also well aware that the equipment could with a high probability fall into the wrong hands where they could be used to make the triggers for IED,s (Improvised Explsive Divise). Like us the US and Canada have our young men and women fighting over seas to protect our safety
Yet this idiot for greed of money could not care less about the safety of our forces Steve Cole has shown to not only be a theif and a Fraud but also a traitor to his own nation.
The question is how many loads of sensitive electronics did nhe ship before he was caught. And how many of our solider have been killed or injured because of his greed
He was well aware that it was highly illegal to ship sensitive electronic equipment He is also well aware that the equipment could with a high probability fall into the wrong hands where they could be used to make the triggers for IED,s (Improvised Explsive Divise). Like us the US and Canada have our young men and women fighting over seas to protect our safety
Yet this idiot for greed of money could not care less about the safety of our forces Steve Cole has shown to not only be a theif and a Fraud but also a traitor to his own nation.
The question is how many loads of sensitive electronics did nhe ship before he was caught. And how many of our solider have been killed or injured because of his greed