On September of 2011 i lost control of my Ford Explorer and had a head on colission with the end piece of a guardrail. Upon impact the seatbelt did NOT restrain me. In fact the belt came completley out of the buckle.The airbags did not deploy either. I contacted Ford about the problem, sent them everything they requested and waited. Their response was that they had not had any problems with seatbelts for that model. I did a little research, and found out that the previous years model had several complaints to the National Transpotation and Safety Board. Now why i9s it that they could have problems on year and not the next. Their response for the airbags not deploying was that their was not sufficient impact to deploy the airbags. Funnybecause my Explorer was declared a TOTAL LOSS b y my insuran ce company. I did receive injuries and sent them the medical bills, but am being ignored i guess. WARNING: When making a decission on whether to buy a ford, remember my story and think about your safety, your families safety.