Does anyone know or have flight crew information,crew numbeers and listings of the crews in the 739th squadron.
replied to: Pilotson
Replied to: Does anyone know or have flight crew information,crew numbeers and listings...
Not much, my father was a tail gunner in the 739th and his first plane was "Vosper's Vultures, then the Silver Shark, they were shot down over Yugoslavia in Jan.45 and spent the rest of the war in a POW camp.
replied to: Ismisemac16
Replied to: Not much, my father was a tail gunner in the 739th...
Stumbled across this a few years after it was posted. I just wanted to mention I knew Kent Vosper (Pilot of Vosper's Vultures). I see his son from time to time. Ironically I just saw Kent's uniform this morning, complete with his wings still attached.