I posted a subject on Huracan del Caribe but if it isn't to much trouble I have a filly who's sire is fino and the mare has no papers, the filly has all the quality a fino should have by her sire's side the only thing is that her "mother" has no papers. is there a way to get her papers? or any other horse born this way(half paso, half fino). Or if the filly can compete in some other places that don't need papers. please it will be of great help. See I'm new to the owning paso fino horses. It was a gift from my grandfather before he passed away.
please if you have any information please send it to www.elsie_ibarra@yahoo.com
I will be eternally greatfull.
please if you have any information please send it to www.elsie_ibarra@yahoo.com
I will be eternally greatfull.