When I was looking for bar stools I looked at hundreds of them to find the ones that matched my home. I used comparefurnishings.com as they have every style of bar stool imaginable! Good luck finding your perfect bar stool.
replied to: SusanW1964
Replied to: When I was looking for bar stools I looked at hundreds...
I like you looked online and found 1,000's of choices but I finally found what I was looking for at http://www.KitchenStoolCentral.com They site was easy to get around and they had free shipping.
replied to: SusanW1964
Replied to: When I was looking for bar stools I looked at hundreds...
I like you looked online and found 1,000's of choices but I finally found what I was looking for at KitchenStoolCentral.com They site was easy to get around and they had free shipping.
replied to: FrankM1150
Replied to: I like you looked online and found 1,000's of choices but...
Really Frank? That is so interesting - especially the free shipping! Do they though have a warranty as well like they do at http://www.barstoolfool.co.uk lol
replied to: SusanW1964
Replied to: When I was looking for bar stools I looked at hundreds...
Their bar stool are really looking good but they have really high prices too.
Have you found some bar stools there that are affordable?
bar stools