Does anyone know why a female cardinal would be pecking the window, and fluttering against it with open wings for nearly 2 months?
There is a reflection. The male sits nearby and watches her.
A territorial bird for sure, this seems abnormal as it goes on all day, every day.
replied to: ChristinaLumb1
Replied to: Does anyone know why a female cardinal would be pecking the...
I live in San Antonio, Texas and a Cardinal visits my kitchen window everyday and demands attention. Its really funny because if I ignore it, it won't go away. This is going on for the last month.If you get any answers please let me know.
replied to: ChristinaLumb1
Replied to: Does anyone know why a female cardinal would be pecking the...
Our bird came up about a week and half after the bad torandos hit al, I live in centre al.the bird came up to my dinning room window bounching up and down likes to be talked to so we thought it was somebodys pet that had got lost from the tornados because it is not normal for a bird to do this no matter what.I even put a black cloth over the window so the bird could not see in but he didnt care he kept on bounching up and down just like it wasnt there so the thing about the bird seeing a refection inside is not so in my case.