Hi, my name is Crystal and i've been clean and sober for 28 years. However, even tho' I've been I have a son that isn't. I tried so hard to teach him...show him...etc but to no avail. My heart breaks because I KNOW...but he doesn't think I know! I have talked, begged, cried, screamed, prayed and hoped but nothing has made a difference. I don't know if anyone out there understands this but him being bi-polar only compounds the problem because he honestly does not understand what he's doing wrong. At least I think it's honestly! Anyway...any help on this would be most appreciated!!
Thanks for listening.
replied to: ladywolf1184
Replied to: Hi, my name is Crystal and i've been clean and sober...
Hello Crystal, my name is Samm and i know that its hard to watch your son go through this and im going to share some of my experince with you so maybe you can understand your son. I am a 17 and i have 10mths clean. i was in your son place for along time. i was dignostedd bipolar at a young age and then i got into active addiction at first it wasn't hard stuff but it progressed i felt that i was alone for no reason my father loved me very much and told me that drugs were wrong. so i desided i was going to move out and live with my real mother who was not in my life. i moved in with her and she didnt care what i did i eventually got into hard drugs got into legal trouble and i still didnt want to stop i was in and out of jails and placements. Then after the court was done with my crap they sent me away for 10mths there i truly found the willingness to want to stay clean and change my life and i talked to a doctor there who then started a meeting for the girls there. So i am telling you all of this for you to relieze the only thing you can do for your son is pray to your higher power and show him the 12 step program he is going to have to be willing and open minded to choose that for his life. And after i got clean and i got into recovery i got redigonased and they belive that i am not bi polar and that the drugs wear alot to do with why i was having systems of this dieases. so i will pray for your son and just dont shove it down his throat because he will run the other way but try to inform him of the program of what it consistest of and other things like maybe bring him to a event or something like that. i hope this helps you in some way.