E=Mc2, Bang 1+ 1- =0. I have given much thought and attention to both equasions over many years, to have one, the other makes sense but have always felt one was not quite on the money! I have alway been sure that the speed of light was not the ultimate speed achievable, more, infinate. Therefore the first equasion is either not correct or incomplete, if so, the secound is also. It always puzzeled me as to why a clock would stop at the speed of light < when only one set of light beams are ever viewable at one time. Once viewed, each one becomes obsolete, therefore making it invisable, the clock disappears. look foreward and is still invisable, however travel at twice the speed, look foreward and time runs backward in real time and all is non existant behind. An ellusion, as you are seeing past in front and nothing behind, this is where it gets tricky. You now see real time, backwards and real, real time at twice the speed, without a clock how do you determine real from illusion ? I have found only recently, 3 years ago, by slightly atering the equasion, all is answered. SORRY a black hole is not what it appears, it all makes complete, undisputable sense.
I will go futher in saying that Einstein realised the flaw when the first atomic bomb was detonated, as if "correct" it would not have been contained to a small amount of atmosphere, add the crucial symbol, reaction to all molecules imminant, INSTANT chain reaction resulting in total dispersion of new matter into space from this once very lonely plannet, earth no more !
I will go futher in saying that Einstein realised the flaw when the first atomic bomb was detonated, as if "correct" it would not have been contained to a small amount of atmosphere, add the crucial symbol, reaction to all molecules imminant, INSTANT chain reaction resulting in total dispersion of new matter into space from this once very lonely plannet, earth no more !