Hyperbranched polyester can effectively improve the processing fluidity of PVC:
(1) Tensile properties of hyperbranched polyester modified PVC is sensitive to the processing temperature , at 170 ℃ open mill temperatures, hyperbranched polyester/PVC tensile properties reaches maximum; (2) Compared with the traditional processing agent ACR, adding hyperbranched polyester substantially does not affect the mechanical properties, but hyperbranched polyester has large advantage in the processing temperature to reduce plasticizing temperature of PVC; (3) Adding hyperbranched polyesters in PVC also can significantly reduce the viscosity of PVC, and the increasing amount of hyperbranched polyester is good for PVC processing. Weihai CY Dendrimer Technology Co. Ltd forwards from "The Effect of Hyperbranched Polyester on Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Rigid PVC" Wang Guojian, Wang Changming, Li Yan, Tongji University, Plastics 2006 Volume 35, Issue 6 15-19