Choose a suspenseful scene from the book and perform it as a one-act play. The scene should have strong dialogue. Write a short narrative to introduce your scene. Ask them to select appropriate music that will add to the suspense.
Record the scene, create a movie using videomaker, and email it to me for submission.
replied to: cdavidson
Replied to: Choose a suspenseful scene from the book and perform it...
Does each person do this on their own? or the whole group does one?
replied to: JChildress
Replied to: Does each person do this on their own? or the whole...
Whole group.
replied to: cdavidson
How long does it have to last.
replied to: cdavidson
Replied to: Choose a suspenseful scene from the book and perform it...
Will we have to present it to the whole class since they aren't reading the book too?
replied to: 14amudd
Replied to: Will we have to present it to the whole class since...
Nope. Email submission to me and the other group.
replied to: JChildress
Replied to: Does each person do this on their own? or the whole...
Whole group or individual. Whole group would probably be more interesting.
replied to: cdavidson
Replied to: Whole group or individual. Whole group would probably be more...
Do we really? There is only one other person in my class that is doing this.