I lived in Pittsburgh for a few yrs and was astounded by this young white man who produced doo wop shows and 're-packaged music-for-sale', one disc box after another. Recently, I did a little research and wouldn't you know, TJ Lubinsky's grandfather was Herman Lubinsky founder of Savoy Records, who abused and took advantage of so many black jazz artists thru lopsided contracts, in which they earned little or no pay or royalties from the songs and albums they were required to produce!! It looks as though TJ is following in his grandfather's footsteps, unless of course he does it only for 'the love of the art of doo wop', earning very little from these shows. And I hardly believe that. I would love to know if he honors the doo woppers with respectable pay that they deserve. This is one more example of how blacks in America have been historically, and continue to be exploited by whites and their beneficiary generations. Herman made his fortune off of black musicians who he didn't respect and it appears that TJ (and PBS) might very well be doing the same. Frank Kofsky ties it together very well in his book, Black Music, White Business.