So Dianne Feinstein, who I am usually quite a fan of, has this ndaa 1031 initiative. Look, I am pretty lefty-left and this is scaring the hell out of me.
Anyone like to chime in and give their 2 or 10 sense?
This is what initially led me to searching for Committees and their particular powers., What made her want to draft such an...oh man, whats the word...unconscienable plan?
I believe given the allowance of this first baby-step into the dessimation of such an inaliable right, that it will not be long before some kind of marshal law is implemented. Why not? This administration, who promised to stand with us hasn't done a whole lot and this is precisely the kind of law that will allow peaceful demonstrators (your sons, daughters, sisters and parents) to be detained without the protection of the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment (if I am partially correct).
Or am I just freaking out?
Anyone like to chime in and give their 2 or 10 sense?
This is what initially led me to searching for Committees and their particular powers., What made her want to draft such an...oh man, whats the word...unconscienable plan?
I believe given the allowance of this first baby-step into the dessimation of such an inaliable right, that it will not be long before some kind of marshal law is implemented. Why not? This administration, who promised to stand with us hasn't done a whole lot and this is precisely the kind of law that will allow peaceful demonstrators (your sons, daughters, sisters and parents) to be detained without the protection of the Sixth and Fourteenth Amendment (if I am partially correct).
Or am I just freaking out?