Does astrology predict stuff?
replied to: jstack
Replied to: Does astrology predict stuff?
It does but western astrology tends to give out trends and directions as opposed to other forms of astrology
replied to: mahir
Replied to: It does but western astrology tends to give out trends and...
Vedic astrology does both predict and give out trends
replied to: jstack
Replied to: Does astrology predict stuff?
Study of astrology is based on planetary position in sky at the time of birth and at time of an event occurrence. since now a days we do have planetary ephemeris which gives planetary position in sky in advance, so we could know when a particular planet aligns with natal planet so that they together create a combination to yield one particular result based on your natal(birth chart) chart
replied to: AffAS
Replied to: Study of astrology is based on planetary position in sky at...
There are 1000s of books in astrology written by sages. One says yes, other say No, few say Yes with Remedies to be preformed. But all astrologers make money!