Posts 1 - 28 of 28
Does anyone know?
1. Five out of ten Sikh GURUS were sons of GURUS and four of them became GURU at the age of 5+, 9, 11 & 14 years only. 8th Guru having become Guru at the age of 5+ even died at the age of 8.
2. Jaimal Singh was a self proclaimed RSSB GURU, who had been initiated by SHIV DAYAL ji in 1956, who died in 1978 and Jaimal Singh became GURU after his retirement from Army on 18th august 1889. i.e. after 11 years of death of Shiv Dayal ji.
3. Rssb GURU Charan Singh was grandson of Sawan Singh ji Maharaj and as per DVD available on YOUTUBE, his ANTIM Yatra was performed on his death, in GURUDWARA Bhikowal as per Sikh Rituals by citing GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI’s PAATH etc.
4. Present RSSB GURU is nephew of Charan Singh ji, who lived in Spain before becoming RSSB GURU. He has visited Harmandir Sahib Amritsar several times and bowed his head before GURU GRANTH SAHIB. Recently he visited on 5th March, 2013 and earlier he had visited on 27th September, 2012.
So RSSB GURUS are also following the SIKH rituals for nominating family members as RSSB GURUS, more so when all the five RSSB GURUS were also born in SIKH families of Punjab.
replied to: 0027
Replied to: Does anyone know?
1. Five out of ten Sikh GURUS were...
U r right bro...!! guru granth sahib book is our god. wee must nt folow any human guru....
Rite friend.. A question = I hav talked to some rs people and they say that they hear some bell sound when they repeat 5 mantra words. Wat is the magic trick behind this?
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: U r right bro...!! guru granth sahib book is our...
Else like CHRISTIANS, why can't the elaborate rituals like that lead to election of new Pope, be followed by Religions instead of taking it as a family nomination/copyright in spiritual matters. In this regard one may visit website, "” to know the details thereof, having very interesting and convincing resolution, more so because by following such an elaborate rituals, the pope can even comment on Govt. matters relating to all norms of the society in an authoritative manner.
The Roman Catholic Church has an elaborate procedure for choosing a new pope after the old one dies. Pope Benedict's surprise decision to resign, however, changed some of the details but the process remains much the same. At the same time, the importance of the holy Bible verses remains the same.
In India, who does not know about mushrooming of fake GURUs having exploited blind faith of millions of weak souls and succeeded to grab lot of wealth and established their large empires.
Anyhow, this is an individual's view only and may not get acceptance from many due to obvious reasons and hence need not be taken to hurt one’s feelings.
replied to: susingh
Replied to: Else like CHRISTIANS, why can't the elaborate rituals like that lead...
"Rite friend.. A question = I hav talked to some rs people and they say that they hear some bell sound when they repeat 5 mantra words. Wat is the magic trick behind this?"
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: U r right bro...!! guru granth sahib book is our...
Rendo thodde samajh vich v nai aani. eh koi majic trick nai a veer ji.
replied to: 0027
Replied to: Does anyone know?
1. Five out of ten Sikh GURUS were...
Kakke inni enquiry na kar. jinni enquiri tu etthe kitti a, unna meditation ch lale.
& so what if RSSB present guru visited harmandir sahib ji. asch inni sochan vali kedi gall a.koi bomb digg gaya. koi sikh , koi hindu,musalman,christian nai hunda. sab ek hei.
RSSB sikh guru nu follow kar rahe han. kedia galla ch ulajh reha a dost. chal sochhi ja. any how.
replied to: palyal81
Replied to: Kakke inni enquiry na kar. jinni enquiri tu etthe kitti a,...
First the Gurdwara was demolished at village Warraich by the RSSB sect. PHIR Guru Granth Sahib, Akal Takht BAAR BAAR JAA KE MUAFI MANGO, TE HUN PAISE KHARACH KADO US Village Warraich, GURDWARE NU BANA KE.
PAISE TAAN TREE TE LAGDE NE CHAHE ZAMEEN KHARREED LAO CHAHE KUJH VEE KARO. Yes! The mandatory donations, of SATSANGIS to the extent of 10% of their earnings, are meant for such lavish expenses only!
Then, why not all Sikhs stand united and visit HARMANDIR SAHIB along with BABAJI every time instead of saying/teaching something and doing something different?
1. One should not listen to BAANI by visiting GURUDWARA but should listen to same BAANI through RSSB GURU only.
2. BABA JI may visit GURUDWARA several times and bow his head before AKAAL TAKHT but SATSANGIS should do so before BABAJI only.
3. One should fix targets to see BABAJI in dreams instead of seeing dreams for kids, family, parents or one’s carrier.
4. One should not believe in MURTI POOJA, but must fix GURUS photos on walls of each room for--- and in case of photos of parents or other beloveds, one can keep pictures in the album.
5. One may know about teachings of RSSB through books or through YOUTUBE/DVDs of RSSB ex-GURUS but must believe in RSSB teachings of a LIVE GURU by attending SATSANG in person and by affording all types of discomforts and spending lot of money apart from creating JAM on the roads, because his teachings can’t be made available through DVDS/electronic media due to obvious reasons.
6. People of all religions are welcome in RSSB SATSANGS but SATSANGIS can’t talk about teachings of other religions.
7. One must get prepared for all worldly detachments but GURU and his family can lead a lavish life by travelling in personal jet plane since he has earned lot of his own wealth in Spain.
8. SACHKHAND doors get opened through RSSB GURUS but GURU requires personal security guards for his own safety due to threat to his life.
9. SATSANGIS shower lot of love and respect for other SATSANGIS but their behavior suddenly display vital changes while dealing with their family members/parents, if they are NON-SATSANGIS.
10. All such vital differences, in their KATHNI & KARNI, cause nothing but lot of stress, which can be ascertained from their stress levels, very well displayed and conveyed through various topics raised on this RSSB Discussion Forum alone.
History, always, would ask such questions from RSSB GURUJI, as are being raised from every corner now.
replied to: 0027
Replied to: Does anyone know?
1. Five out of ten Sikh GURUS were...
"3. Rssb GURU Charan Singh was grandson of Sawan Singh ji Maharaj and as per DVD available on YOUTUBE, his ANTIM Yatra was performed on his death, in GURUDWARA Bhikowal as per Sikh Rituals by citing GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI’s PAATH etc. "
==> White Lie!! There is NO such video on youtube!!
replied to: starspeed
Replied to: "3. Rssb GURU Charan Singh was grandson of Sawan Singh ji...
Type,"BABA CHARAN SINGH JI (BHIKOWAL) ANTIM YATRA PART-1" on YOUTUBE search to view the ANTIM YATRA which is for 52-55 minutes and then you can type, "BABA CHARAN SINGH JI (BHIKOWAL) ANTIM YATRA PART-2 to see it's second series for 53-22 minutes. Do confirm if you find the video to be a true information or not.
It would have been better to say as if one could not find the video instead of alleging as if it was a lie. One may try to avoid passing judgments to hurt others and instead may opt to simply say as if one did not agree to one's views.
replied to: 0027
Do you know that there can be many different persons in this world by same name ?
Charan Singh Ji of BHIKOWAL and Charan Singh Ji BEAS are two different persons.
Watch this video and link closely, if you want to figure out what i am talking about,
Moreover i know you are referring me this link, (BABA CHARAN SINGH JI (BHIKOWAL) ANTIM YATRA PART-1)
In this link too, pause the video at 03:36 to see who he actually is.
In case, you don't have any serious sighting disability, you can easily recognize it!!
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: U r right bro...!! guru granth sahib book is our...
Palyal Ji is right. This is no magic trick. Guru nanak dev ji has also described this in his writings,
ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ਚਉਪਦੇ ॥
आसा महला १ चउपदे ॥
Āsā mėhlā 1 cẖa▫upḏe.
Aasaa, First Mehl, Chau-Padas:
ਵਿਦਿਆ ਵੀਚਾਰੀ ਤਾਂ ਪਰਉਪਕਾਰੀ ॥
विदिआ वीचारी तां परउपकारी ॥
viḏi▫ā vīcẖārī ṯāʼn par▫upkārī.
Contemplate and reflect upon knowledge, and you will become a benefactor to others.
ਜਾਂ ਪੰਚ ਰਾਸੀ ਤਾਂ ਤੀਰਥ ਵਾਸੀ ॥੧॥
जां पंच रासी तां तीरथ वासी ॥१॥
Jāʼn pancẖ rāsī ṯāʼn ṯirath vāsī. ||1||
When you conquer the five passions, then you shall come to dwell at the sacred shrine of pilgrimage. ||1||
ਘੁੰਘਰੂ ਵਾਜੈ ਜੇ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਗੈ ॥
घुंघरू वाजै जे मनु लागै ॥
Gẖungẖrū vājai je man lāgai.
You shall hear the vibrations of the tinkling bells, when your mind is held steady.
(Granth Sahib Page 356)
Moreover susingh's silence explains it all!
replied to: starspeed
Replied to: Palyal Ji is right. This is no magic trick. Guru nanak...
Vaah sir ji... that is really cool.. al thogh i do paath of guru granth sahib evryday.. but i did not know that was writen in it..
replied to: starspeed
Replied to: Do you know that there can be many different persons in...
Since one, while sitting in India, has already adjudged others having serious sighting disability, who live in USA, there does not appear to be any need to share any views with such an intellectual judgmental SATSANGI/GYANI JI, who can also pass so many judgments over silence of others. Pointing out such a vital omission could be done in some cool manner, only by keeping one's EGO at ground level!
Such an egoistic SATSANGI does not, even, deserve any regrets on his some correct observations over other's vital omissions. So keep it up please! May GOD shower all HIS blessings on such an egoisitic young SATSANGI/PAATHI too!
Thanks for updating as also for maintaining EGO at peak confirming duality even after saying, “fake SORRY”
However, fact remains that whatever is written in GURU GRANTH SAHIB, having been compiled through valuable teachings of ten GURUS, is required to be adopted/accepted without any reservations, under one Religious umbrella instead of forming a splinter group under the pretext of a need of a live GURU to exploit feelings of Sikhism, more so when RSSB GURU has started visiting AKAL TAKHT now. Else BAANI of GURUGRANTH SAHIB need not be cited in RSSB SATSANG by developing some new philosophy.
As otherwise also RSSB is also one of many splinter groups of RADHA SOAMI AGRA, formed through self proclaimed GURU JAIMAL SINGH JI, having no originality in its philosophy.
Isn’t it strange that there had been no dearth of Sikh spiritual intellects even during last several hundred years after tenth Sikh GURU but need of a live GURU erupted again during 1891 only through Jaimal Singh ji? What happened to present lakhs of RSSB souls then, for whom, now, the doors of SACHKHAND have been got opened through RSSB GURUS?
replied to: 0027
Oh dear , he is some other person, he is NOT maharaj charan singh ji OF dera beas,YOU ARE CONFUSING YOUR SELF.
replied to: palyal81
Replied to: Oh dear , he is some other person, he is NOT...
Yes! The vital omission has been got realized by now, through, starspeed also. The mistake did occur due to use of word BABA CHARAN SINGH in that video also.
But fact could emerge on viewing it critically only after such omission in this regard.
replied to: susingh
Replied to: First the Gurdwara was demolished at village Warraich by the RSSB...
Susing ji, who says ki, pello gurdwara dhaya fer akal harmandir sahib jake mafi mangi , who says these ????
kisi ne koi mafi nahi mangi & for your information.
warrainch village gurduwara Land was purchased in 7 crore Rupees and proper registration was done and with full respect Baba ji' guru granth sahib was placed to other place with respect and land was allotted to place Baba ji 's granth.But media and other religious parties made a propaganda that dera occupied land.its rubbish....Even Baba gurinder singh did ardaas and Guru Granth Sahib was respect fully placed to other see wat media says...
--->A week Ago,near ludhiana a satsang ghar was attacked and every thing like doors,taps,walls were hammered by few groups..but they thought that Dera will complain about it but dera dint do it and every thing was fixed in before morning and satsang took paper reported it n not channel.
& tusi ketho ketho galla sun ke aa jande o kene keha ki satsangi apni 10% da hissa beas donation dinda a, its not compulsary.& one more thing LISTEN TO IT
BABAJI DONT NEED ANY SECURITY ITS INDIAN GOVERMENT WHO HAS PROVIDED HIM SECURITY (CRPF)(reason due to vast disciples)& YES, SACHKHAND doors get opened through BABAJI. do you have any problem ??/ je hegi a te rahe.
Kuj pata hei nahi.addro udhro galla sun ke aa jande aa.
replied to: palyal81
Replied to: Susing ji, who says ki, pello gurdwara dhaya fer akal harmandir...
Payal81 appears to be awake even at 10-30 p.m. though it is 9-00 a.m. here in CA, USA.
Above facts do confirm the ongoing problems between two sects of SIKHISM.
Is there and permanent resolution to avoid such miss-happenings for ever instead of spending 7 crores or more for purchase of land here or elsewhere, collected out of donations.
Else, it further appears that history is getting repeated in USA, where Dr. Ishwar Puri has also proclaimed himself to be a LIVING GURU of SANT MAT/RADHA SOAMI SATSANG.
During 2012, Ishwar Puri has also laid foundation of ISHA (Institute of the Study of Human Awareness) in Chicago and a DERA BABA SAWAN SINGH is also being set up In WISCONSIN on the bank of a river there, for which land has already been purchased and construction has also commenced, with a hope and call that some living master may also emerge in USA in the near future.
His present age is 87 years and he is also giving NAAM DAAN to a large number of devotees in USA and hence another splinter group gets added in RADHASOAMI SANT MAT.
So, does that mean that any devotee, after having taken NAAMDAAN, can proclaim himself to be a RADHA SOAMI/SANTMAT GURU, as had happened in case of BABA JAIMAL SINGHJI way back in 1981?
Another clarification is also sought here as to what are the rituals followed by SIKH RSSB followers on demise of someone and what is the difference in such rituals as compared with those followed by SIKH Religion.
replied to: 0027
Replied to: Payal81 appears to be awake even at 10-30 p.m. though it...
Is susingh = 0027 ? .... writin style is remakably same... lolz...
replied to: 0027
Replied to: Payal81 appears to be awake even at 10-30 p.m. though it...
Dear Its not payal its PALYAL my name is SANDEEP SINGH PALYAL
& Iam sorry I dont have any knowledge about ishwar puri Ji & USA
splinter group -:no its not possible, baba gurinder singh dhillon ji can never break into small fragments.u hv some wrong information.
go to this link u will get the answer, regarding legal purchase of land in warrianch village.
& NO, no one can proclaim himself to be a RADHA SOAMI/SANTMAT GURU , it is only guru/master who wishes who will be the next master. by initiated dosn't mean the disciple is ready to become a guru. & Iam not getting u wht u mean by BABA JAIMAL SINGHJI way back in 1981?
& there is no difference between he rituals followed by SIKH RSSB followers on demise of someone as compared with those followed by SIKH Religion.
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: Is susingh = 0027 ? .... writin style is remakably same......
Yes dear I do think so.
ho sakda hei, may be. chalo jando.
replied to: palyal81
Replied to: Dear Its not payal its PALYAL my name is SANDEEP...
Yes! We are six friends here in Science of the Soul Center, at Petaluma, in USA, who do share views on this Forum and also discuss views of all who deliberate their views after a lot of discussions also, whenever possible. Else all such deliberations can be visited on this forum independently also, since can't remain hidden after recording such views. BABA GURINDER SINGH DHILON also visits this center after every 1-2 years.
Now coming to the point, one may type, " (1)Dera Baba Sawan Singh Center | Ishwar Puri,(2) Desires and Attachments Create Suffering | Ishwar Puri & (3)2012 - Year of Great Change | Ishwar Puri " on YOUTUBE to listen to the claims of Dr. Ishwar Puri ji in these three interesting videos, about purchase of land for developing DERA BABA SAAWAN SINGH at Wisconsin, in USA. There are a lot of videos of Ishwar Puri, while holding SATSANGS in USA at his age of 87 years by now.
One may like contents of his SATSANGS, since displayed with lot of sense of humor and based on scientific descriptions.
Similarly it is also a fact on record that Jaimal Singh ji, though had been initiated by Shiva Dayal ji of Agra but had not been nominated by him as RSSB GURU in 1891, more so because JAIMAL SINGH became RSSB GURU on his retirement from Army, after 7-8 years of death of Shiv Dyal Ji.
replied to: palyal81
Replied to: Dear Its not payal its PALYAL my name is SANDEEP...
It has been claimed by Sandeep Singh Palyal ji in this post as if there was no difference between the rituals followed by SIKH RSSB followers on demise of someone as compared with those followed in Sikh Religion. Does it mean that such rituals are held through ARDAAS in some nearby GURUDWARA?
Clarifications given by warrianch village PANCHAYAT and clean chit etc. are known to everyone, which finally have got settled by surrendering to the extent of reconstructing the demolished GURUDWARA and agreeing to all what could satisfy Sikh sect at large.
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: U r right bro...!! guru granth sahib book is our...
Ok dear tell me whats difference in bowing to a statue of goddess nd guru granth sahib only respect.ok if a PERSON is blend or say unable to read nd write how can guru granth sahib help.Bowing to holybook is a sign of respect coz it contains the wrinting of sikh gurus nothing else.Ultimately we need a guide who can help us practically .others wise no difference between hindus nd sikhs.the rings ur r talking about is the anhadh dhun guru granth sahib repeatedly told about this but u cant listen coz u r blind follwer
replied to: starspeed
Replied to: "3. Rssb GURU Charan Singh was grandson of Sawan Singh ji...
Oye mirkh bikhowal wale sant hor san.u dint hv little bit of knowledge abt rssb
replied to: susingh
Replied to: Yes! We are six friends here in Science of the Soul...
Shiva Dayal ji of Agra but had not been nominated by him as RSSB GURU in 1891,
for this you will get the answer in book "DHARTI PAR SWARG"
go through it.
replied to: CKb2
Replied to: It has been claimed by Sandeep Singh Palyal ji in this...
Does it mean that such rituals are held through ARDAAS in some nearby GURUDWARA?
Dear Sir,,,
Yes you are very write rituals are held through ARDAAS in some nearby GURUDWARA or (it depends upon which religion you belongs to. if hindu then any mandir, if sikh then in gurdwara, if muslim or christian what ever they do.)IT DEPENDS.
Clarifications given by warrianch village PANCHAYAT and clean chit etc.
first see this link, you will come to know how cleverly the issue was made without any reason
& I dont know at what extent it could satisfy Sikh sect at large.
replied to: drlalli
Replied to: Oye mirkh bikhowal wale sant hor san.u dint hv little bit...
Yes bro they don't know any thing about RSSB & Guru granth sahib ji too.they have only bookish knowledge.
BHIKHOWAL village 10kw from hoshiarpur city it is my maternal house , every month I go meet my cousin brothers. I know that sant was not maharaj charan singh ji. he is some other person.
replied to: JasvinderSingh
Replied to: Is susingh = 0027 ? .... writin style is remakably same......