Do you think that the world is going to end in 2012?
replied to: sportichick95
Replied to: Do you think that the world is going to end in...
It seems unlikely that a date for the end of the world can be predicted. Vaious religious groups have predicted dates since religion has existed. Most members likely slept through (I know some personally who did) the predicted time of the end. LOL
I will not give away all my worldly posessions anticipating there will be no need for them after 2012 or any date there-reafter. I have it on good authority, my alcoholic uncle Bud that it just ain't gonna happen. But just in case it does he plans to leave very small amount of booze left behind unappreciated.
replied to: sportichick95
Replied to: Do you think that the world is going to end in...
Not to say if it will or not ,but the earth is to be in it's same position on that date 12/21/2012 as it did almost 26,000 yra. ago and people lived thru that date in time.
replied to: sportichick95
Replied to: Do you think that the world is going to end in...
I think its important to keep in mind that while the mayans say the world is going to end before 2013, they also say that this world is the 4th, and there has been 3 worlds before this one we live in.
meaning the end of this world is just the beginning of a new one, that it aint dooms day xP
wether i believe the world will end or not, only and ignorant person would say its all a bounch of ****, since fact is they had knowlegde of atronomy we didnt even have a 100 years ago, and thats 10.000 years or so ago they existed.
cant deny that they might have knowlegde we dont have.. that could make them make such a prediction.
that they say the world would end when the earth is aligned with the center of the galaxy, may not have anything to do with it, simply a mile stone to say, this is when it happens not the reason.