Do you think that Adolf had a narcissitic personality disorder?
replied to: amose1550bce
Replied to: Do you think that Adolf...
I think he had sex all dah time
replied to: vice64
Replied to: I think he had sex all dah time
Do you have evidence
replied to: vice64
Replied to: I think he had sex all dah time
Checkout the wardrobe in hitler's joy ship! regards LSSHELLAXE
replied to: admireziko2
Replied to: Do you have evidence
At the present time I am reading Mien Kamph to gain insights into Hitler's thoughts. Hitler lost his father at the age of 13 and his mother not long after. He lived in the streets of Vienna slept in homeless shelters and ate at soup kitchens. He had sharp differences with his father who wanted him to become a civil servant while Hitler wanted to pursue a career as a painter. Hitler only liked history and geography and did not finish school. He applied for art school but did not qualify. He was advised to study architecture but lacked sufficient schooling to qualify. He was an avid reader in matters of history and politics and would spend what little money he had on books and the theatre saying that because he did so hunger was his constant companion. He later stated that he was the embodiment of the German state and that to appeal to the masses one had to be simple and with ruthless persuit have a single minded approach.I have more to read and say regarding his thoughts. His rejection by his father must have played an important part and his rejection at the art school must have had an effect on him later on in his life.As I said I still have more to learn.
replied to: admireziko2
Replied to: Do you have evidence
At the present time I am reading Mien Kamph to gain insights into Hitler's thoughts. Hitler lost his father at the age of 13 and his mother not long after. He lived in the streets of Vienna slept in homeless shelters and ate at soup kitchens. He had sharp differences with his father who wanted him to become a civil servant while Hitler wanted to pursue a career as a painter. Hitler only liked history and geography and did not finish school. He applied for art school but did not qualify. He was advised to study architecture but lacked sufficient schooling to qualify. He was an avid reader in matters of history and politics and would spend what little money he had on books and the theatre saying that because he did so hunger was his constant companion. He later stated that he was the embodiment of the German state and that to appeal to the masses one had to be simple and with ruthless persuit have a single minded approach.I have more to read and say regarding his thoughts. His rejection by his father must have played an important part and his rejection at the art school must have had an effect on him later on in his life.As I said I still have more to learn.
replied to: amose1550bce
Replied to: At the present time I am reading Mien Kamph to gain...
Well, don't forget too that the definition of narcissism is an obsessive fascination with oneself. In the early personality theories, narcissism is the natural state of infancy. So, in my studies of his personality (and I'm no authority on his case but I have at least an informed opinion: degrees in both psychology and history), I would say no. He certainly had issues! All of the things you mention played into his personality. I don't think "delusions of grandeur" is a clinical diagnosis, but it's a better match than narcissism.