Having now found yourself facing the prospect of divorce, you are possibly thinking - what do I do now? Who can I tell? What will people think?etc. The next shock you may have to face is all those friends who you thought you could count on have suddenly disappeared into the woodwork. You may find you can count on only one or two; even family members may be evasive.
You are not on your own. There are around 120,000 to 150,000 divorces every year in England. Multiply that by two and you see that you are surrounded by countless numbers of people who are or have been in the same position as you - and they have survived.
You can take heart in the fact that the http://www.divorcexplained.com divorce procedure in England and Wales is now fairly streamlined and, provided the divorce is not a contested one, painless
You are not on your own. There are around 120,000 to 150,000 divorces every year in England. Multiply that by two and you see that you are surrounded by countless numbers of people who are or have been in the same position as you - and they have survived.
You can take heart in the fact that the http://www.divorcexplained.com divorce procedure in England and Wales is now fairly streamlined and, provided the divorce is not a contested one, painless