Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
replied to: derogatron
Replied to: Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
Interesting... I did a little googling and was unable to find information about the african descent of JC. Can you tell me what your source was on this?
replied to: derogatron
Replied to: Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
He wasn't "black" as in he had black skin. His skin color was white or caucasion if you prefer. He was African American descent though and he did have Italian AND German descent.
replied to: derogatron
Replied to: Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
Impossible. How did you know that?
Caesar was a member of the roman nobility. This means that his ancestors belonged to one of the 100 families that founded Rome along with king Romulus. Romans were italics and the italics were indoeuropeans, as they came from the North just like the Dorians in Greece.
replied to: Stilicho
Replied to: Impossible. How did you know that?
Caesar was a member...
Welcome to revisionist history...
replied to: derogatron
Replied to: Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
We have Julius Caesar here in Southeast Asia. Funny.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Welcome to revisionist history...
I really hate it when I hear bs like this. I'm sorry if you have no cultural heritage of your own, or if what you do have is inadequate for you, but don't go around stealing other people's.
replied to: Stilicho
Replied to: Impossible. How did you know that?
Caesar was a member...
Perfectly stated Stillcho. I wish more people would take the time to learn about the subjects they discuss.
replied to: GDawg
Replied to: He wasn't "black" as in he had black skin. His skin...
If you're going to make a case you must show your sources. Anyone can claim anything. After you identify your sources, keep in mind that your references are records from the past that may or may not be more or less reliable. And remember there had to have been one or more eyewitnesses and/or ear-witnesses to the events, theories or facts in question - which comes to the heart of the inquiry: what has come down to us as written evidence must be questioned critically. The author(s) may or may not have been more or less biased - and perhaps you yourself are not so objective when it comes to arriving at or promoting the truth.
However, if you don't do your homework and your research, and if you don't present what you've discovered in your homework and your research, it would be better for us all if you simply kept your mouth shut. Because if you don't show that you've done your homework, you may simply be inventing or repeating a big lie.
replied to: aitolos
Replied to: If you're going to make a case you must show your...
Perfectly stated, my friend!! A great response and one that a lot of other people on these message boards need to live by. They know who they are.
replied to: derogatron
Replied to: Julius ceasar was black of african descent.He was however Italian.
He did not have black skin but he was an African American.