Well if spiritual embodiement means of being of light, then theoritcally couldnt we turn our bodies into light? If we could then time travel becomes possible! Or spirits beings of light? Do they time travel? I made up an imaginary friend when I was four years old named Ging Gi Hann. I think that He is my ancestor over in malaysia! Malaysia is an island over by japan in the sea. That's all I really know. This guy has told me some whoppers and when I was googling the things he told me to google He proved to me that he actually does exist. Check out the han dynasty in ancient china and tell me someone the probablity ratio that this thing my imaginary friend might actually be family from beyond the grave. Do you think it's possible that some people from the ancient han dynasty travel or got cast away to malaysia for commiting crimes or something I don't know? That's why I'm asking questions because I plan on writing a novel about this fool!
replied to: Greg6662323
Replied to: Well if spiritual embodiement means of being of light, then theoritcally...
Well I've been workin on the theory I have an evidently no one is intested oh well. He's still here so I don't really know what to do or say except maybe spirtual possesion isn't necessarly bad as potrayed in that movie called "the exorsist" well I don't really know how to spell the word but everyone seems to know the word I'm talking about.
I've been thinking about time travel non-stop a lot lately like it is my new obession e=mc3 might not really be possible even if you become a celestial being of light trapped on the earth but then why is the core of the earth so bright? I know the correct formula for what I am thinking about is C^2 = 2v^2-s^2 or v=ep^2 but why is that? so I know the correct measurement we have for light is Joules but what if and I have seen it happen, the light that the grass absorbs for the chemical process called photosynthesis it goes all the way to the roots and somehow travels deeper towards the core and is carried by all sorts of various elements such as errosion and the moving of the tectonic plates. Then does e=mc3 make sense? I mean if we were to cube the earth, it already is kind of cubed by the way, with all magnetic fields the earth's gravity generates, slice it like two tilted pryamids and cutt through to the center of the earth, then if you were to somehow travel at the speed of light by putting your body into a coma or some long deep hypersleep out in space and putting your body into a lightwave, hologram like program then do the rules of physics or quantum physics apply when you or your spiritually, programed, conscience, identity becomes this holographic being?
If the rules of quantum physics apply then all hell would break loose; I guess that's what would happen. I mean I know I'm not the only person on this planet with an imaginary friend. In the end I am just trying to make sense out of my words and my actions in an infinite world of possiblities and scenrieos that play out in are heads.
I know watching the history channel isn't a complete awnser to all of my questions but it's a good start. What if I have time travelled already and Haven't even known about it? Maybe I was meant to become homless for a minute and lose the house. I was staying with my brother at the time. The neighbors across the street thought that I stole something like a purse with money and I have no recollection of ever doing that because I am not that kind of person, but at the same time who am I to object to what they saw? I know I didn't steal it or at least I wasn't consciouly aware of doing it. I know that even when I was drunk, and that house was a huge party house by the way, I can't recollect even having walked across the street.
I've heard that when we drink alcholol our body becomes a vessel for evil spirits. Has anyone ever blacked out from drinking to much alcholol and tried to pan handle without knowing they were pan handling? I have. I know that I do become a diffrent person when I drink so I am trying not to now with all of my efforts. I don't like the Dr. Jeckyll/Mr. Hide effect that alcholol has on me. Now normally I would think this is horse shit, but since I've been doing the a.a. thing and trying to think soberly, a lot of weird freaky shit has been happening, like having a photographic memory, or thinking about the securtity system that the Swedish people have developed for their national bank system. All I know is this their recently were ufo's over in malyasia and I am going to become lisa simpson for a second and investitigate.
replied to: Greg6662323
Replied to: Well if spiritual embodiement means of being of light, then theoritcally...
Well,I'm a Malaysian and I've never heard those of what you had posted.
But,I do believe the ancient knew something about it.Megalithic boulders in Malaysia once raised interest to the Krusvyok Institute (form Russia) for their ufological study.It had been a mystery for them,and some would state that the megaliths were a physical evidence that the ancient Malaysian had something to do with alien.
And to add that up,on one of the stone trigonometric carvings can be clearly seen.It is strange,considering that such knowledge came to The Peninsular around the time of Western Imperialism (as early as the invasion by Bartholomew Diaz)
The stories of 'wali' whom can go to Mecca for Hajj in an instant also raised some intriguing question.
Study about Tok Kenali,Mat Kilau and the Nine Saints of Indonesia,and you will be awed by the amazing story about how they can did that (time-travel,teleportations)