William I of Scotland
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Did William 1st son continue to use the Lyon Rampant as his personal standard. If not, on what grounds did he replace it and with what? If he retained it, who ultimately changed it again, on what grounds and with what? I read in the Scotsman that the myth of the Patron Saint's symbol appearing in the sky at the battle of Athelstanford is only part of the reason why the saltire was adopted as the national flag of Scotland. However at that time the kingdoms of Dalriada and the Picts were still separate kingdoms. Precisely who stated, ordained, commanded, suggested that the saltire be created.? What sources should be consulted to answer these questions. The fundamental question to all of the above is surely who stated that disciple Andrew expressed the intent to be crucified on a diagonal cross. Is this not rather like a disciple refusing to wash the master's feet. In other words false modesty! What calling would the person who put these words into Andrew's mouth have? What authority to do so? Therefore what authority does Scotland have to fly such a standard today? Amen.