Albert Einstein
Did Einstein hide on 'Hertz spaces', 'dialectical physics', 'the limit of angular speed'?
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Einstein did not explain on these subjects because he law humanity more than science. He did not say anything on "M.V. Lalan LALAN, M.V. Sur Les Postulats Qui Sont A La Base Des Cinemetiques; Bulletin de la Societe Mathematique de France, Tome 65 (1937)83-99” The limit of linear speed depends on direction. Çizgisel Hız Ereyi yöne bağlıdır” konusunda".
Of course he made some calculations; on:"The sum formula of angular velocities" and reached { E=mc2+Id2, d='the limit of angular speed'}
To find is a gymnasium problem:{"m0 makes a movement like, x= a Sin wt", Can you find the effecting force?} That problem is the death of "black hole concept".
Mass is a function of speed. Does it depend on position and time? That problem is the death of "big bang concept". A gymnasium student could find v= c Sin (H l/c), instead of Hubble law (v=H l).
I can not found an answer to these Questions because Profesors Follow Einstein by "conspiration of silence"
You ought to return the origine of physics Thales, Anaxagor, Epikur, Geber, ibni Sina, The Hodja, Nazim Hikmet, and Ataturk; if you want to know; let you find ESF Euresco Conference on What Comes Beyond the Standard Model? Symmetries Beyond the Standard Model, Portoroz, Slovenia, Oyman’s paper was called but, he did not reach Slovenia.
replied to:  dialecticalphysics
Replied to:  Einstein did not explain on these subjects because he law...
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